Know the Truth of our origins, This will 0ppose our ‘Hedonistic, Babylonian” spirit of our age! To Know the Truth is anti-social, and anti spiritual with today’s conforming ‘agenda’. But today’ s’ bad news” of global dis-order is a reason for you to want more! To know “How This All Started” will encourage your attitude and your spirit (see post’ A Renewed Heart!’) The previous Post introduced Biblical Proof of the origins of our life. Let’s continue.
Have you ever wondered why, up to now- ?? There is no publicity about the missing link between man-kind and ape ? why is it in six days that God made everything and not six thousand years” Why are there fossils of huge, extinct animals and other perfectly formed subjects ? Why are coal and oil called “fossil fuels”( the remains of once living things)? How could stars appear suddenly when it takes millions of years for their light to reach us ? Did the Ice- age take hundreds or thousands of years ? If these Questions stop you from believing the bible, – as they once stopped me – will you surrender your independence and heart to the Lord? Now?– Other-wise , please find another site !!
To accept God’s Kingdom, one has to “think laterally, not vertically” – in other words “let go” of things around you (as I did). Give more time and consideration-ie love- to people around you and concentrate less on your-self. Scientific research has proven that people are happiest when they are doing things to help others, and not just thinking of them-selves constantly. As when Jesus instructed the rich young man to sell everything in order to inherit eternal life. Do Jesus’ s words-“make my love complete by loving others”. Again being biblical they are good (beneficial)- for you,too!
Today’s life is just a test-run for the real one to come. In our flesh we will all pass away- “consider the flowers in the field ; ..Its’ place remembers them no more.” Psalm 103:16. But for believers-“we will not really die”. John 11:26
Does God really expect us to take His Word at Face Value?- Yes. For the following reasons;
The Word Of God is
1)Enduring– “Heaven and earth will pass away but My Word will never pass away. Mathew 24:35. Forever O Lord, Your Word is settled in Heaven.”(communism, socialism, ‘war machines’- in dust now) Ps.119:89. 2)Inerrant-“All Scripture is God-breathed…” 2 Tim.3:16: “Let God be True, though every man be found a liar.” Rom.3:4; Every Word of God is not add unto His Word”. Prov. 30:5,6.3)Clear- ” God’s wisdom is.. all ..righteousness; nothing crooked or perverse is in it..”All His words are “plain..and right to those who (look for and) find knowledge.” Prov. 8:8-9) Purposeful “My Word which comes from my mouth will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11
Why do we not believe? 1) Constant brain-washing by an anti-God media. 2)Willful Ignorance of God’s Word and power 3) carnal (nonspiritual) thinking 4)Attraction to fables – and other entertainment and lies.
When Did Time Begin? ” In the beginning God..” Only God Him-self is eternal, un-created (the “I am who I am” to Moses ) What did He do? He “created the heavens and the earth “ out of nothing. Everything started from nothing, and to nothing -ie Spirit- it will naturally return, as per “The Book Of Revelation”. Relax, accept it. We are on the winning side !!
What is meant here?
When you begin a building project, what do you start with? Raw materials of course.
Atoms ? what are they? these are the building blocks of all physical reality; they are composed of essentially three things: Space,matter and energy.
Notice the words of Genesis 1;1 In the beginning ( at the outset) ” God Created The Heavens”. “Shamayim” (Hebrew for for Heavens”) simply means ” STRETCHED OUT SPACE”!
Think! God even had to make the empty space in which to put everything. Then what? “ God created ..The Earth “. Erets (Hebrew for “earth”) simply means the dirt or matter! What was the condition of these raw materials in the beginning? With-out Form and void” Think! When you take the blocks and build something, Then you have form.”.Before that the matter was without form. The earth was truly Empty (void).
But then in the same creative instant, God said ” Let there be light! “.
What is light? Light includes the entire electromagnetic spectrum, not just the narrow band of color our eyes were designed to see. From short wave gamma rays to long-wave radio waves, all energy forms are accounted for here. So what do we have now?
It is the third aspect of all physical things ! Energy. At the instant electrons began their atomic movement, then processes were occurring in time. Think! When physical matter ceases to be, time will be no more. ie Normal earthly time is based on the “atomic clock” in England.
Do you recognize it ? This scenario is describing the setting for ” the Day of The Lord! When He shall return on the day of judgement! When He decides to release “all things” ,written in Col. 1:19. Because Jesus has conquered Death, He is out-side and above all earthly matter (” The Lord Is Spirit”), and able to act according to His Word. For example He parted the atomic structure of the wall when He entered the room to meet and greet His disciples, although still holding all forces together.
Making Water. It is interesting that the Hebrew Word for waters is “Mayim”.The first instance of the word “mayim” is with the word “sham”, which means “there” or “in it”. It is first found in the word ” Shamayim” and is translated as “heavens” in Gen. 1:1.
It appears only the author of Genesis knew that water was found inherently in the expanse of “heavens”. But it is only now scientists have learnt that there is water in the emptiness ‘of inter-stellar space. (Nat. Geographic 5/74 p.625)
Question . What are the “waters above the heavens” in Psalm 148:4? This very possible scenario -called “the canopy theory”- has already been described in previous post ***. The answer to extra large fossil remains, and coal fields are found in this post.
What about everything taking 6 days of creation? God, – or “elohim”-the three in one God-head- first talks about the six -day working week in Ex. 20:8,”Remember the Sabbath Day.” Why? six days you shall work” ( Hebrew word for ‘day’ here is “Yom”) Why a six-day working week? see verse 11 “for in six days (same root word!) the Lord made heaven and Earth, the sea and all that is in them.” Just Think! Although other spellings and meanings were available, God inspired the prophet to use the same root-word for “day”. Who wants to work six thousand days for one day off ! Also Long -age theories have intrinsic chaos, for example- fruit trees lived thousands of years before the sun appeared.
Why were the Heavenly Bodies made anyway ? God gives six purposes in Genesis one verses 14 and 15. Note the last one “To give light on the earth.” Just think ! What is the center of God’s attention in His Master Plan ? All the heavenly Bodies we see are designed for Earth’s Benefit!
If God can create those sources of starlight, He can certainly include their beams of light to be seen twinkling in the night sky immediately. ( they don’t show up in the daylight.) Navigators, including my-self, have used these “old satellites”, for Christians to cross the seas and spread His word to the far Continents, as He has planned.
For example, Australia -supposedly ‘Christian’-was settled by christian England in order to improve the lives of its poor citizens. They ventured thousands of miles and took two months to finish the voyage-with many vessels sinking. But less than twenty miles is the most populous moslem country -Indonesia-who were not interested in “reaching out”-because of the wrong Spirit in them. “Hard love”, yes, but still love.(
Do you think a creator God accomplishes His Purposes when He says He does? Incompletion or imperfection is not in Him. ” All His works are perfect..” It is only sinful man, with-out Jesus, that stuffs things up!!
The perfect ‘Big Bang ?”.-” By the Word of the Lord were the Heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth; For He Spoke, and it was done, He commanded and it stood fast.” Ps.33:6,9.
To answer the stated questions above it is essential to know the difference between what creation scientists believe-thru scientific study- and what evolutionary scientists believe, thru their studies. Many creation scientists were evolutionists thru previous education before seeing the “Truth” of God and scripture.
Briefly- Creationists state that their research shows a very short life span of the earth and civilization, and that there was a biblical, world-wide flood as in Noah’s time.From the huge volcanic action world-wide, there was also the up-rising of continents as well as the sinlking of others. At this time water ran off into the oceans in huge sheets and rivers from the new continents, causing canyons like the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Also the sheets of water run-off created flat topography in certain areas. But that is not all!! The flooding and run-off caused all surface life-forms to be buried under water and earth, quickly. This is why some animals fossils are found eating or even giving berth ! Different escaping life forms were buried together, often found today in large burial areas.In other areas everything was deeply buried under the volcanic and sedimentary chaos, where from pressure, heat and a few thousand years of time these Fossil fuels formed. Their large volumes world-wide show that there was much green vegetation prior to the flood.
Then from the volcanic action world-wide, their ash and dirt/dust clouds hung in the air, blacking out the sun, especially in the slower- rotating polar areas of the earth. This could take only months as today ice refreezes every winter to its winter state.
But Evolutionists state their studies show that “comfortable, non-threatening” long-age time spans were responsible for developing and gaining our wonderful perfection from the next generation to come. From many changes in evolution. Although their Radium 14 carbon dating has proven inaccurate at times. There is no evolutionary trail of any life -form in the rock-fossil record!
There is no missing link between man and ape because Man, and all life ,was formed perfectly – the fossil record shows this– by God-Elohim, in Day 6′ ,”when God breathed His (“born -again”)Spirit into the dust in His hand” . This so-called missing link “Lucy” is not conclusive proof to many scientists, It can be just an ape. ( Google “The Piltdown Man”, a fraud which fooled the establishment of England for many years- Academic papers were written on it.)
Continental Drift was first mentioned in Genesis, and later in 1912 by Alfred Wagner. For 50 years his idea was ridiculed by modern scientists (again) But now it is approved and called the study of the world’s Tectonic plates. Worldly Scientists of course start this process a supposed 200 million years ago, with the continents slowly moving apart from each other. But today the study of the ocean floor confirms the land masses were ripped apart! There is evidence of flood and catastrophe all over the world!
Consider the Bible version of this event: “to Eber were born two sons: The name of one was Peleg; “For in His days the earth was divided…” Gen.10:25 What was the condition of the world’s land mass then ? “the waters were gathered into one place.” Gen 1:9 “the dry land He called Earth..the waters..he called seas(likely including lakes) Gen. 1:10
In this concise verse some awesome events are stated. The word “Peleg” literally means to divide or “division”. The word “Earth” plainly speaks of the geo-physical Earth. Most interesting is the hidden meaning of the word “divided” in this passage. It means literally- to separate, or canal -by “water”. The importance and significance of this momentous event was kept and shown for us in his name. This occurred some generations after the flood at the time of Babel so the separation of land occurred after that time.
In summary: it is noted in the book “The Genesis Enigma” by A. Parker (an atheist scientist), in his summary; “Here then is the Genesis Enigma. The opening page of Genesis is scientifically accurate but was written long before the science was known. How did the writer of this page come to know this Creation Account? Where did his thoughts, imagery, evidence or inspiration come from ?”
We know!!
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Is.55:9
” The Heavens declare the Glory of God..‘Because Of Your Will They Exist And Were Created.” Ps. 19:1
Praise the Lord!- Halleluiah !
Bibliography :
“Unlocking The Mysteries of Creation” By Dennis R Petersen Peacemakers Ministries Ltd. Woy Woy,NSW, Australia 1987