To know “The Truth” In Your News “In These Times”- is vital to your status with Jesus. To know the Truth,” in Jesus” – allows you to keep secure “in these times.” Read between the lines. Know the Truth with the eyes of your heart opened!
“In these times”- Recently, there has been an abnormal amount of extra ‘Spiritual activity’.
This includes 1) the Pope’s tour to the US, 2) the crowded, fatal moslem occasion at mecca, 3) Rugby World Cup in England 4) the Chinese premier’s state visit to the US. 5) the proud Japanese expansion of their military might.6)The Russian positioning of their military in Syria with the dictator. 7)the scandal of the German and European reputation and self-image of “Volkswagen’.8)Water on Mars !
To what do “these times” represent?
End-Time events are never explained or even mentioned in modern church today. This would contradict our “materialistic” culture and also threatens our sense of independence and pride. (But the ending justifies the means; the ending is “our inheritance.”)
Yes, – first the world had a beginning, as in Genesis , as has been scientifically, historically and Biblicaly proven (as former ‘posts’ will reveal). And Yes ,it is progressing to its final end, as stated in the Book of Revelation.
It has been said that “people don’t want to acknowledge ” the beginning ” as in Genesis because this implies that there is ” an ending ” , as the Book of Revelation.” This is a test of our faith-Amen?
Jesus has said “I will come again” John 14:3. Signs of His Second Coming are listed in Chapters Mth.24,Lk.21,Mk.13.
In fact, He is coming back two more times , not once . According to source 1 below- ” How can Christ come immediately following un-mistakable signs which are intended to warn of His coming – and at the same time come as a thief in the night when few if any of His followers would expect Him? How can He come when they say peace and safety(1 Thes.5:3) and at the same time come in the midst of Armageddon, the most destructive battle the world will ever know? How can the saints be caught up from earth to heaven to live with Him eternally (**That is us, friends!) and at the same time come from heaven with Him to earth to execute judgement at the last battle of Armageddon?”
How can two scenarios that are so opposite with each other both be true?
There is only one logical answer to these diametrically opposing descriptions of His second Coming. They are describing two separate events.
These un-settling signs are always described as” the beginnings of sorrows, or the beginning of birth-pains”. Fortunately, knowing the Truth, we will escape those terrible times in His first advent, “the Rapture”, when we are caught up in the air with the saints to be with Him. The un-believers will endure those “tribulations” on earth. Rev.1:7, Mth.16:27-8, Mk13:26.
Incidentally Jesus doesn’t come down to earth, but we are caught up with Him in the clouds“during the Rapture”.
Then Jesus will come the second time, at Armageddon, when the kings and countries of the world, including Europe, Russia and Turkey, and from the East – China -“with a thousand horses belching smoke and flame, come to attack and destroy Israel. But God, the righteous, who has always promised to never leave Israel- His inheritance – defeats them.( see “” for related research”)
It is easy to under-stand why there is always a constant battle with the good and bad through out history, why there is legislation in Christian countries to stop Biblically “un- righteous activities, such as s-s marriage, or the abuse of alcohol, or drugs or gambling (all forms of sin!) . Because these lead to un-healthy, damaging results for all, which are the trademarks of our enemy, (the small s– guy).
Historically great nations have fallen from moral decline and corruption. In proud Rome, there was male and female prostitution openly practiced under the seats of the Colosseum. Wife-swapping, orgies were the norm of the rich and powerful.
It is only the righteousness of Christ and His “over-flowing” Spirit and love of His Children – for others- that stop nations from imploding from with-in. But we all have to be on our guard! Thank God for the Red Cross , Salvation Army, YMCA, World Vision, Boy Scouts Association, and other God-based charities. Christ is “The Hope Of The World”. Mth.12:21 Try and be part of it where you can!
To look at this week’s events:
- The pope’s visit to a formerly ‘strong’ Protestant country,- getting huge greetings, is a painful blow to all protestants who remember the history of that church. The first colonists were escaping religious persecution from the Catholics! How, to this day- in especially the poorer Latin American nations , the Holy, God- inspired Scriptures are almost ignored or forgotten while the catholic Pope (The “Holy Father”!!) , along with Mary, their saints, rituals and power are worshiped.
- According to the latest “”” magazine, many Protestants are going to the Catholic Church because people can see ” that it stands for something”. Where-as the Protestant churches have watered down their faith principles so much people are confused.
- An important bit of knowledge for you to have is that many protestant churches theology is that – the catholic church represents the “beast” of revelation – the anti-Christ. This is because it has always been very hostile to the scriptures, martyring many believers. See “Fox’s Book Of Martyrs.” because they felt their own divine and “worldly ” authority on earth was threatened.
- Included in this knowledge is that The catholic church is the “whore” of Babylon”, when it was very corrupt and greedy. This caused the split – called the reformation- from bible-believers in 1515 (with its leader Martin Luther). It then cleaned up its act. Further biblical signs (Rev.17:1-7)are that a church is referred to as a female in scripture. That it is recovering from a large gash” which is acknowledged as the blow to its authority from the “reformation”. The seven hills are the seven hills of Rome- an historical topographical feature. The color purple is known historically as a Royal, religious sign of authority that is still seen today.
- So the acceptance of the catholic Pope in the US raises a few eye-brows. One of its lofty doctrines is that of “trans-substantiation’ ,when they say that the bread and wine at communion actually is the substance of Jesus’s body and that it is really his blood. You can see the absolute monopoly they enjoy from this doctrinal practice.This is different from Protestants (and modern Pentecostals) accepting them as symbols. Then there is the question of the “cleanliness” of the priests own hands! The child sex perversions expose the lie of their human pride ” to be like God”.
- Feel free to “Google” these terms for greater knowledge,please.
- 2)”The lord God is a jealous God”. Ex.20:5, 34:14; Deut.4:24 Anything forced, un-natural, crowded – is not in keeping with Him. Idolatry, with the practice of ” stoning the devil in that ritual -which is a large black stone – is abhorrent to Him.
- 3) The Rugby World Cup is a celebration where “good sportsman-ship, including being “a good sport” and a “team-member”-with self-control ,courage and respect for the rules and referee, is exercised harmoniously in keeping with The Lord’s character . Christian Churches have always promoted sports as a character-building tool.This event is in stark contrast with the other religious event. If the young men of that religion enjoyed them- selves playing sports – especially “contact sports ” as in Rugby, for example – they would not need to let out their frustrations in group violence like ” militias ” . They would not have their pride or frustrations remaining to explode in them , in terrible acts of “vengeance “. Even ” Boy Scout ” groups would help them ” relate to others normally “.
- 4) The Chinese premier visiting the US is a sign of a jealous Buddhist East challenging Christian- based West. China wants to change its historical “Quiet” image to one of leader-ship. But economic problems endangering social cohesion , may tempt it to act militarily with its neighbors. Historically this military action has been done to shift the blame of poor economic times away from the ruling Government . Russia’s military intrusion into Syria is another example .
- 5) Proud Japan, who have never properly apologized for their historical military aggression, and still visit and honor their war dead, will not back down from a conflict with China again “to save face” with others. The weather , which is controlled by God providently , punishes that nation because of its lack of ” Love” in its cold traditional culture. The US might easily be brought into a conflict between China and Japan over disputed islands in the China Sea.
- 6)Russia is prophesied as one of the countries who leads a group of nations to attack Israel . Its recent military expansion is agreeing with this “end-time”prophesy.
- 7)The deliberate scandal of Volkswagen is a symbol of Western capitalism failing. This leads to fear. Fear is one of the signs “of the times”. This deception or sin comes from deep with-in the fallen sinful nature of man , when the God of Money (Mammon) takes over. The enemy is hidden deep with- in large organizations where the Board- member Elite” have ” Sold their souls to the devil long ago to get to their powerful positions ” .
- 8) Finding water on Mars! What a scoop! This should guarantee US Government funds for NASA and “my job” for a decade. But did they see water? No! The atmosphere of Mars is less than o.01% Oxygen. Where does the oxygen come from to form all this water?
- What they did see is “an elongation of a fissure” where water ” could be ” running down. But this enlargement could be caused by some-thing else, such as natural processes of wind . The evidence is too flimsy! They also add salt or “brine”. Where did this come from? This gives some comfort to people who won’t object on religious grounds!
- Are people becoming desperate? The financial markets and economic fundamentals are in a mess.
- But we have the Lord’s promise of “The Rapture”. “In my Father’s house are many mansions…I go to prepare a place for you. And..I will come again and receive you unto my-self; that where I am there you may be also.” John 14:2-3.
- “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid , for the Lord Your God goes with you. He will never leave you or for-sake you.” Deut.31:6 . As His Word is being proven true even now, we can be sure that – as we believe and share in the Victorious Life of our Messiah Jesus Christ, we will over-come all the enemy at the end of our life on earth too.
- Our Faith – which is always being tested – is our fortress of salvation. Hang on !! Don’t lose that reservation!
“How Close Are We? By Dave Hunt Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Ore. 1993. ISBN 1-89081-904-1