A History of Jesus and Truth

A  history of Jesus and Truth is –“I am who I am”.Ex.3:14 He identifies Him-self when challenged by Moses as the “un-created, eternal, self-existent” one.More history of Jesus and Truth is ” I am the first and the last”- Jesus says in the book of John Ch.14:10 “I am in my Father and my father is in me”. A  history of Jesus And Truth continues “These words I speak are not my own but it is the Father doing His work”,- who is actually speaking!

As “the Logos”, Isaiah55:11 “My Word(s) never returns empty, with-out accomplishing their work and purpose for which I sent it out” -Amen? He has never been separate from God, as “God the father lives in me, and I in Him”. Jesus repeats this, for importance, in the next verse.

Source 1 (below) says in the introduction, that Jesus is described as being the theme, or being present, in the OT as well as the NT! It even reveals that Jesus Him-self says 5 times that He is the theme of the entire canon of OT Scripture!

For example Speaking of the Law and The Prophets He says “I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them”(Math.5:17),another example is Luke 24:44-when speaking in the upper room to the 10 disciples, Jesus said,”Everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled.” (this included His own horrendous, slow death.)In dialogue with the Pharisees, Jesus charged them ,”You search the scriptures…and it is theythat bear witness to me”John 5;39. Another confirmation is Luke 4:21 “…Jesus said ,‘ today this has been fulfilled in your hearing.’ ”

Because of time I can only give 3 of approx. 15 examples of literary truths of Jesus as the “key to the interpretation of the whole bible”. 1)The OT views Christ by way of anticipation, the NT views Him by way of realization. 2)The salvation prepared for in the OT was provided by Christ in the NT. 3) The New is in the Old concealed, and the Old is in the New revealed.”!

Source 2 below states “the names of God prove plurality of persons.The Hebrew “Elohim” is the name of God in the very beginning, in Gen.1:1.,and in over 2700 more OT places..sometimes Elohim is used with plural verbs and pro-nouns.” As in Gen.1:26″ And God said ”let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”

Also in the story of Jesus and The Truth, It was Jesus that made everything! As revealed in John 1:2ff  ” The Same was in the beginning with God” -( Here God is describing Jesus as “the same’ as He is”- in (victorious) mind,power, and  life, and purpose,etc.). So there was not more than one person,as teased by the conjunction “with”, But there was only one, desired, “God effect”. v3“All things were made by Him: and with-out Him was not anything made that was made.”(also Col1:15-8,Heb.1:1-2)

“He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” Col.1:17. This verse explains why all things”, both on earth and in the cosmos, are working in order, perfectly,in co-ordination with each other and beyond them-selves, in aneternally self- sustaining ,cohesive “clock-work” mechanism. What if something goes wrong?!

Scientists are spending billions every year to find “The God-Particle”. The huge Hadron Collidor”, straddling 3 European countries, is trying to determine “the mystery of life”. In their latest press release of today, the “New, Exciting, Discovery is” then summing up the paragraph”..that there are things out there in nature that the standard model can’t explain.” Quote, un-quote. (This purposely mis-leading headline is part of demonic anti-God activity today-see post “the enemy-the deceiver,is Busy Again” 02/Nov/14)

Other readings have revealed that there is too much gravity in the universe to account for life as we know it. Where did this extra glue, this extra providential power, which for example, holds planets “in their courses laid down for them”;-or “in their orbits”- come from? It is hard to believe, but the answer is found in black and white, with-in reach, for the past 2000 years, and more.

All three parts of the trinity are uniform in their purpose and power. The single Word “God” accurately describes their full roles, as being of one mind and intent. Jesus Him-self ,in giving the Great Commission to the disciples in two Gospels, authorizes- ” in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”. At different times and places in the Bible, each one has been named or described as “God”. The short history of Jesus, and Truth has “always been with” man-kind;-“He was,is, and is to come”. Rev.1:8Amen.

Isaiah 29:14(written approx. 700 BC)“There-fore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder. the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish.” (also 1 Cor.1:19)

Praise God,the story of Jesus and Truth remains un-changeable through-out time. And why not? Truth doesn’t change. God said,- in sending out His disciples into the world-“sanctify them in the Word, my Word is ‘Truth”Jn.17:17. And you, if you are a believer, are included in all the Truth, so “Praise the Lord!!” Amen.


Source 1: A Popular Survey Of The Old Testament  By Norman L Geisler – Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids Mich.

Source 2: Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible  By Finis J Dake – Bookmark Publishing, Dallas, Tex.

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