The Biblical Truth of the meeting of G20 nations in Brisbane last November was at the top of its’ agenda ; this shows the relevance and biblical Truth of the “Word-or God-“in our times –” Pay tax to whom is owed taxes “; Rom. 13 ; 7 . Obeying this Biblical Truth will give a clean conscience to the one in authority.This is also God, ultimately .
These“mammon “- worshipers, also corrupt in their bodies from over-rich food and wine, with un-happy unions on earth, will answer to Him eventually .
Protesters in the street who demonstrate, with signs reading ” Tax Evasion a crime “ , and so forth are highlighting probably the biggest contribution to world poverty . This is the moving off – shore of huge company profits to tax havens around the world . They then avoid paying any tax on these profits .
One wonders where these profits go eventually ; most likely to the company directors and “those in the know ” . This would be money – laundering on a massive scale . It represents a huge drain of money out of the economy of these countries.This helps to show that corrupt human nature, including our selfishness and pride, ruins the other-wise perfect creation of God.
Jesus also says in Mth. 22 : 17 ; when tested by the Pharisees ‘ if they should pay tax to Caesar . He first confirms the coin has the stamp of Caesar on it. Then He answers ” Give to Caesar what is Caesars’ “.
This also has concrete affirmation to the subject here ; all the corporations’ profit was in the coinage of the purchaser ; not in any far – flung country with its bent tax rules . This is the main demand of protesters ; that the tax should be paid under the tax rules of the country where it is purchased , to that country .
The corruption of the fallen human nature is openly shown here where all parties in these global transactions , including Government and banks , give a blind eye and complete silence ,to this moral crime .
In many countries including the U.S. and Europe , the social aid programs were cancelled because of the tax shortfall ; and lines of the helpless are the result . And they are led to believe it is their own fault .
Once again the wisdom , accuracy and teachings of the bible can be relied upon as foundational Truth . Relevant to help get us through situations this world kicks up at us .
Christ is indeed ” The Hope Of The World ” !
Thanks for reading . C. J .