More Truth And Proof Of the Bible – Hot off the press !!

The ” 24 hr. News Feed ” on the tele approx. 28 Sept. read ” volcanoes prevent under – water search for missing Malaysian aircraft MH370.

Genesis 7 :11 says ; ” ..all the ( NIV ” springs ” ) of the great deep burst forth and the flood- gates of heaven were open .”

Those under – water ” volcanic nose – cones ” rising from the sea – floor would have remained un – known in the very remote South  Indian Ocean  if not for the unusual incident of the hi- jacked air- craft.

The large number of these submerged obstacles prevented any under – water search being carried out by the U.S. Navy ‘s  remote submarine search craft.

This NEWS report of the aborted undedrwater search  has revealed the remains of those in – active volcanoes which brought up enough water for the great global flood of Noah’s time

In addition to the huge amount of water that sprang up from below the earths’ crust , the tremendous upward pressure carried with it  the earths’ crust around the pressure point. This action is revealed in the other – wise un – explainable remains of these volcanic nose – cones .

** 2 more supporting facts.

1) in case you find it hard to believe there were large oceans of water below the earths’ crust , this remnant of water is still found under – ground in the form of the Great Artesian Wells.

These  are – “ Thanks be to  God ! ” – still supporting the praire  farmers of ”  the blessed ” continents like America and Australia . They  in turn feed the hungry all over the world. Also people drink from fresh water wells sunk in all locations of the world.

2) The second part of Gen. 7 ; 11 states ” the flood – gates of Heaven were open “. As in our terminology to day we say of the waters released from a dam high above us  ” the flood – gate  ‘  s were opened “. This was the rain that , in addition to the water from the fountains of the deep,  flooded the entire world..

This rain came from a canopy of water vapour that covered our earth :  this theory is prooved in major museums as objects of awe and amazement today.

Gen:1 : 6 – 8.states :” And God said ”  let there be an expanse between the waters , to seperate  water from water. So god made the expanse and seperated the water  under the expanse from the water above it.  And it was so. And God called the expanse ” sky “…it was the second day.”

It is made very clear that there is a seperation of waters , and this is done early in the sequence of events of creation;  before vegetation and other living things are created . The water vapour canopy was made on purpose by the Lord as ” He so  loves the world …”  It is a special creation by Him as attested by the space flights of discovery.

They show triumphantly  that it is  only our planet earth that has the right qualities in the right proportion to support life – you and me . Space photos from the first moon – walk  show a lovely sun – lit Blue and Green Sphere glowing in  dark space.

** Talk of an ” escape”  from our world is often just to continue government funding of  possible  projects giving jobs to the academic scientific community.

But back to the supporing evidence of the canopy of water vapour around our earth : this would have ” a green – house “ effect where the temperature and humidity were controlled and higher than we find as outside of any  green – house today .

And as in green – houses  today , we find  plants and  parasitic life forms larger than their normal sized copies outside in the normal climes. The glass also prevents harmful radiation and x – rays from the sun affecting the plant life .

This ” world- view ‘  explains the ” How ” the giant – sized marsupials such as those found in Australia come from.

Giant dinasaur bones are in museums all over the world . Some of the largest were recently found  in the U.S. and previously in Argentina. The femur half – leg was photographed as about 1.7m long, with a man laying in its curvature.

Lush vegetation from this green – house effect – as in a tropical rain forest  – supported the giant dinasaurs. Remains of rain – forest trees  have been found near Toronto  Canada .

The global ” fossil fuel ” coal- beds and oil bodies under the earth’ s surface can easily be the remains of this lush vegetation . These  have  become fossilized due to the tremendous heat and pressure from the weght above them .

And how did this ” topsy – turvey ” world come about ? From the catastrophic flood that God has revealed in His story.

Continental flooding ( even ” desert”  Australia is now revealed as having been all under water at one time ) and its catastrophic  run – off from the rising continents complete with volcanic action with their rising plumes of smoke ash and rock , world- wide buried large areas of the globe.

This article is to show that we can trust the God – inspired Word Of God completely. Other – wise it is ” Vanity, Vanity ,all is Vanity ” Ecc. 1 : 2 (KJV)

We are not here to entertain the world , but to battle the world .

Related Bibliography:

” In the Beginning ”  by Dr. W Brown, (

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