Jesus Proclaimed- ” I am the good news”. There is nothing like a good news story to encourage us , Amen ? The four Gospels -the good news- give us “eye-witness testimonials” to the Truth of “His Resurrection.” The “good news” of our own eternal life after”death”,with Jesus, awaits us believers.
Heb. 7: 21 says ” Jesus is the guarantee of a better covenant “. We all like “guarantees” of some-thing better, Amen?
In Heb. 8 :6 ” but the ministry that Jesus has received is as superior to theirs ( meaning the O. T ministry of the O T Leviticus priesthood ).. as the ( new ) covenant – of which He is the mediator – is superior to the old one ( the Old Covenant ), and it (the NC) is founded on better promises .
It goes on to say , v. 7 – 8 ” For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant , no place would have been sought for another . But God found fault with the people and said : ” Then the O T quotation of Jer. 31 : 31 , ( of approx. 640 BC ) is quoted . ” The time is coming” declares the Lord , when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah..”
Heb 8 : 13 finalizes the fact. ” by calling this covenant ” new ” He has made the first one obsolete , and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear. ”
We all like a living hope instead of aging history . In His ” ministry of reconciliation ” ( 2 Cor 5 : 18 – 19) God has chosen us ; we didn’t choose Him – Jn: 39 ; 44 . Now the Spirit of God in us guides us to keep the Law ( and be righteous ) with internal conviction and not outside condemnation. We have liberty to live with – out the law of sin and death condemning us. Ro.4: ..for the Law brings wrath ( of God ). ( ” we have been crucified with Christ and we no longer live , but it is Christ that lives in us ..” Gal. 2: 20 )
In Col 2: 13, 14 : ” God made us alive ( sharing the resurrected , never – ending life ) with Christ . He forgave us all our sins , having cancelled the written code ‘ with its regulations, that was against us ..He nailed it to the cross. And having dis – armed the powers and authorities..He triumphed over them by the cross . “
Heb. 7 : 18 & 19 ” the former regulation was set aside because it was weak and useless “. ( for the law – the ten commandments – made nothing perfect ) – and a better hope is introduced by which we draw near to God .”
The remainder of the book of Hebrews continues ” The Good News Story “. Space prevents the full detail but essentially ” Jesus is our Triumphant High Priest ” when compared to the Moses – ordained , Leviticus O.T. priesthood serving in the temple .
For ” immature ” Christians – our High Priest is sufficient for us because Jesus a) Ch. 7 :24 – 25 ” lives for- ever “, He has a permanent priest – hood . He is there- fore able to save completely those who come to God through Him because He always lives to intercede for them – and for you and me , now – wow!! Un like those who died in their service before ( and after ) Him . b) ” does not have to offer sacrifices day after day, first for Him- self , and then for the people . He sacrificed for our sins once for all when He offered Him – self. c) where before the blood of ” unblemished lambs ” was shed ( there can be no forgiveness with – out the shedding of blood ” – Heb 9 : 22), the perfect sacrifice , the ” spotless ” Lamb of God ” shed His own blood . d) now Jesus serves in the divine ” heavenly tabernacle ” set up by the Lord at the right side of God our Father and not in the earthly ” copy ” of the temple .
In acts 2 : 32 Peter addressed the crowd in the street after the Holy Spirit had filled the disciples in the upper room above them . He said ” God has raised this Jesus to Life and we are all witnesses to this fact. “
He then admonishes them for not believing the OT scripture , as in Ps: 110 : This foretells of a messiah of the line of David saving the nation of Israel .
Peter continues in v. 2: 38 ” ..Repent and be baptized , every one of you . And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. ” This promise is for you and your children and for those who are far off ( that ‘s us ! ). For all whom the Lord our God will call .”
Do you feel called to the Lord Jesus the Messiah now ? I believe you do. That is why you are here now . It is always good to acknowledge the Lord in our life !
Many people are in danger of falling away because they don’t let the seed of ” the word of God “ take root in their hearts . They become ” stoney ground” ( Mth. 13: 20-21 ) ” where the seed is received with Joy but blown away in any capricious wind of the enemy because they have no root .”
Peter , in finishing , says in v: 40. ” your – selves from this corrupt generation! “
It is accepted that we cannot save our – selves but need the grace of God . The N T is called the New Covenant of grace .
The O T mentions grace in the national sense of a ” calling or drawing of the nation of Israel – Jer. 31: 3. It is far removed from the N.T. Holy Spirit of un – conditional love though the personal selection , in- dwelling and spiritual empowerment of us , His children on earth . Something close is Jonah Ch. 2:8. After having his life saved , Jonah says, ” Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit your grace that could be theirs “.
Of the numerous verses covering grace in our N.C. there is , Ro: 3: 21 – 24: ” But now a righteousness from God apart from the Law, has been made known ( or given ) to us , to which the Law and the prophets testify . This comes thru faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe …and are justified freely by His gracethrough the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. ”
Part of the work of Christ is the Peace and Joy of Ro. Ch: 5 . then v. 5 says..God has poured out His love for us into our hearts by the Holy Spirit , whom Hehas given us.” While acknowledging its great and divine message how can the O.T. compare to the glorious in – dwelling ” religious service ” of personal salvation of the Holy Spirit in the NT ?
A dwindling , aged congregation is the hall – mark of many small churches in the kingdom of God on earth today. Under siege and irrelevant to the people around them . Often because too much of the message becomes a history lesson in the far- off – if beautiful – facts and detail of the O.T.
But when the living word of the N. T. is preached , every – one gets excited and convicted , again – even the speaker !
We need ” spiritual food that is spiritually discerned “. This is our portion as guaranteed by our High Priest in the heavenly tabernacle .
Jesus has risen! There is our Victory ! – ” Christ in us , the hope of glory ” –Col. 1 : 33. ( ” hope is the substance of things not seen .” – Heb. 11 : 1 ).
” The Lord is Spirit , and where the Spirit of the lord is , there is Victory ! ” Amen ?!