The Spiritual warfare of Jesus, Truth and the enemy’s lies is constant; -“the spirit who is even now at work in those who are disobedient.” “But Jesus has come to destroy the works of the enemy.”- 1 John 3:8. Spiritual warfare Of Jesus Truth and the enemy is real and obvious. For example where corruption and lies are revealed- as in FIFA today. Then the spiritual ideals of justice, integrity and Truth of universal man -which also are exemplified perfectly in “the righteousness of Jesus”- are pursued by us in spiritual warfare of Jesus, Truth and the enemy’s works.
The motivating reason for these posts is the fear that “my children will be destroyed for lack of knowledge..because you have rejected knowledge..”Hos.4:6,Is.5:13..
Because “..that ancient serpent called the devil has deceived the whole world..”Rev.12:9. But Paul says “..satan might not outwit us. For we are not un-aware of his schemes.” 2 Cor.2:11 Amen?!
So – “let the eyes of your heart be opened,that you may know the hope to which He has called You, the riches of His glorious inheritance ..” Eph.1:18a.
In the previous post, (Jesus Truth and Spiritual Warfare)the sign or mark of the enemy was described as anything that obstructs or degrades the word , and work of Jesus on earth. This includes his Holy Spirit working even now to save believers.
Satan is also described as the “prince of the kingdom of the air” and “the ruler of this world”.(Eph.2:2,Jn12:31) His kingdom is the immediate air and stratosphere above the earth,approx.1 km., while god’s reign is in the heavens and “heaven of heavens”-beyond even the farthest star visible. Jesus said”my kingdom is not of this world.” while at His trial to Pilate.
But there is another enemy in our life – the seed of “original sin”. This is in the human nature of every person – in the whole world. This includes Hindu, moslem,Buddhist,Catholic, rich or poor,etc. Also, from about 700 BC- Jer.30:33 paraphrased “their hard hearts of stone shall be turned into hearts of flesh.”
Paul is speaking -Rom.7:20 ff ” Now if I do what I don’t want to do,It is no longer I that does it but sin living in me that does it.”So I find this law at work with-in me. When I want to do good,evil is right there with me”.
The only rescue or solution is for people is to have the spirit of Christ in you,then (Rom.8:10-12)” your spirit is alive because of righteousness, while your body will be dead because of sin.And if the spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Jesus from the dead will also give new (resurrected) life to your mortal body through His Holy Spirit who lives in you.” Praise the Lord! “Greater is the one who lives in us than the one who lives in the world”. Amen! 1 John4:4
And where did this inherent seed of sin in humanity come from? Rom.5:12 “Just as sin entered the world through one man Adam ( and Eve at the garden when they rebelled against God),..and with it also came death (the wages of sin) to all men because all sinned..”
But our solution is Rom.5:15 “But the (our) gift is not like the trespass. For if the many die for the trespass of one man,how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the one man Jesus Christ, over-flow to the many!”..v16..but the gift follows many trespasses and brought justification (and forgiveness !!)John 3:16 God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that who-ever believes in Him will never perish but have eternal life.”
But all is not lost! Rom.2:14 says”(when gentiles do by nature the things required by the Law,..)v15 since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing them ,now even defending them.” But the gentiles mainly try to be saved by their “works” ie their good deeds.It is after Christ is crucified in them that they receive salvation by faith.( Rom.9:30b) Their god-given conscience is God’s “prophet”.
There is a divine relation-ship between God, His resurrection power, His Word, Jesus as intercessor , and the Holy Spirit working in the life of the new believer today, as through-out history.(see previous posts)
And yes,”the accuser”, the enemy is using the air-waves today to do his work via the electronic media!
John MacArthur, in his excellent book “The Truth War “(says “the main goal of the enemy is to attack the (former) “certainty” of the Christian-based West. The family is the main target”.
Abraham Lincoln, strongly Christian,is quoted as saying “America cannot be attacked and defeated from the out-side, but only from the inside”. (
The “olde serpent” constantly attacks, under-mines, and creates un-certainty about our social values of the West. With sarcasm and cynicism he focuses on the corner-stone of our society, the”family”, and “family values”, as we know them. Because of the “bad news” of the world (this is partly explained in the last post) statistics among christian and heathen are the same.
Marriage has, from the beginning, been a relation-ship ordained by God. In Gen. 2:21-23, where “man needs a helper”, God took a rib from Adam and formed “woman”. ** The rib bone is the only bone in the whole body which grows back again if it is removed.(“Wikipedia” and “”)
This can only be a “miracle” planned and “signed” by God- as ” observe and learn, for I was here”.
Television constantly and cynically presents both husbands and Christians as weak and in-effectual or irrelevant- and we all laugh,-me too!(we crucify our-selves again in our own god-given freedom). But an impression is left after a time. There are examples as “Mash”, where the chaplain is puny,wears rimless spectacles, and in a nervous voice is over-ruled by others continually while the “cross-dresser” appears confident and witty- like “a child of light”. There is “the Simpsons” where the “nerdy” church-going neighbors, aptly called the “Flanders” (as in flannel), bumble along.Then there is the over-weight, “over-ruled” husband of the “family sit-com”, ” King of Queens”. These are only a few of the many “edgy”shows on the “box”. (“Edgy” because the smooth edge of our society is being un-zipped by the jagged edge of the “liberal tech” kingdom.) 1 Cor.15:33 “Do not be mis-led. Bad company corrupts good character.”
“Attitude” is catching! Be on your guard! Reject the enemy and he will flee!
Assault him with strong, God- breathed scripture ” I am a Child of God! No lying defeated foe will harm me or defeat me!
Paul goes on to say to the Corinthians in 1 Cor.15:34 ” Become sober-minded and alert as you should,and stop sinning for some have no knowledge of God.I say this to your shame! (see post “Greek elections”-02/02/15)
As said previously”the enemy likes to destroy the value of people. One post-modern ideal-born in the so-called “new Left” is where animals are more important than people. There is a lot more hype ,money and organization spent saving “the whales ‘ but for people, such as “the homeless” on the streets- “not interested”. The many homeless people in western cities world-wide are a new social group. This is a word not known two decades ago,but we have become so “de-sensitized” that “homeless” is now a normal term. Many are tragically children, a direct result of the high family break-up in our “progressive” societies, ie” mum is living with a new partner and I am not wanted” is a typical remark.
But the good thing is “that where “bad” (sin) increases, “good”(grace/love)increases more”-Rom.5:20. This is often where the Christian light shines in the darkness-at home or in the missionary field. The Salvation Army,Red Cross, Teen Challenge,YMCA,World Vision and thousands of church street vans attest to the Truth of God’s “special”, over-flowing love.”-make my love complete by loving others”Phil.2:2
For those who want the saving power of Jesus Christ in their lives and don’t have it, or are not sure of their “status” with God, you can up-date your status now with “the sinners prayer” below:
“The Sinners Prayer”- Dear Jesus. I believe you died on the cross for me and that you rose again. I ask that you come into my heart and help me lead a brand new life by reading your Word and changing me from my old self to into your likeness every day of my life. Thank you Jesus.( Taken from Rom.10:9)
Mathew 6;6 gives further help -“When you pray, go into your room,close the door and pray to your Father who is un-seen. Then your father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” (v7″and when you pray do not keep babbling like pagans who think they will be heard because of their many words.”)
When asked how to pray to God, Jesus answered with “The Lord’s Prayer”- Mathew 6:9 “This then,is how you should pray: “Our Father who are in heaven, hallowed be your name,Your kingdom come,your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. v11 Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one”. -(some “late” manuscripts add ) – “for yours is the kingdom,the power and glory, for-ever.” Amen
As further proof to the work of the cross, an eye-witness to the resurrection of Jesus, Peter-who denied knowing the lord three times during His crucifixion- is preaching to the crowd of what King David prophesied-in about 1000BC – in Acts 2:31″ He (King David) looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of the Christ-that He was neither abandoned to the grave(Hades) nor did His flesh suffer decay”.(Praise God!!) v32 “this Jesus, God (the father) raised Him up on the third day, to which we are all witnesses.” (This is after the Holy Spirit empowered him in the ‘upper room’) (This is further explained in the post”The resurrection-28/05/14.)
Rom.10:3-4 “Since they (the Jews-and gentiles) did not know the righteousness that comes from God and sought to establish their own,they did not submit to God’s righteousness.Christ is the end of the Law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.” And as Christian law-keepers we are saved with the gift of the Holy Spirit – John3:15″ we will never really die but we will have eternal life”. Also “And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life and this life is in His Son”1 John 5:11. So we have a deposit of the new,resurrected life in union with Jesus. What a gift. Praise God For what He has done for me(us)!!
Further to this is the advice from Jesus; ” You should not be surprised at me saying “you must be born again to enter into the kingdom of God”(john 3:7).
This event can be suddenly as in “charismatic” meetings, or more gradual where you are reading the bible and suddenly you are aware that ‘ You hear the word of God for the first time, and obey it”(Luke 11:28, Rev.1:3). It makes sense!!
This shows the wonderful divine power of God’s instruments of reconciliation(peace) with his people on earth who are made in His image. There is “The Word-which is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing so far as to the division of soul and spirit, bone and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the Heart.”(see post “Jesus and a New Heart”).There is Jesus “our high Priest, acting as our intercessor,(Heb.4:16-“Let usthen approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace..”). And The Holy Spirit. 2 Cor.1:22“He (God) anointed us, set His seal of owner-ship on us, and put His spirit into our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come.”
So there is a plan and a purpose in Jesus, “who has been given all authority on earth as well as in Heaven”Mth 28:18 And You are a part of this plan, so keep in His plan. “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” James 4:7. God bless you. Until next time I trust.