” The Mind of God ” – “1 Cor 2:16” – Wow !!

Isn’t it great!! We  have  the  Mind  of   Christ  !!  And  we  can  get  more  of  this Mind of Christ  if  we  seek  more from the  Word of God which is “inspired” by God.- ie Inspired by His Mind and Spirit! And when we have the Mind of Christ we are “born again” into the family of God. God is our Father, and like any living father He instructs His Children to be like Him, with His mind and character so that we are not rebellious any longer.

So how did we get this mind of Christ ??  How and why did  ”  Yaweh ”  deposit  this  tremendous gift  to  us ?

How  has  God  continued to communicate  with  us , ” His People ” ,  whom  He  promised  never to abandon ,  through  the ages ?

Moses wrote  the first five books of the Old Testament . By God’s divine plan  Moses had received the highest education possible ; having been a  royal prince of civilized Egypt .  After fleeing Egypt he then received the  traditions and writings of his  Jewish  ancestry  from his prosperous  father – in law in the foot- hills  of the desert ** ( incidentally  critics  say – as an objection to his authorship – that he could not write about his own funeral : but many people still plan their own funerals , such as actress Elizabeth Taylor writing hers for example ).  Then it was by divine revelation from God  through the writing of the O T scriptures . This  included  his mainly – ridiculed spokesmen the  prophets ,  to Jesus .   Jesus was  “the Logos –  the word ” John 1:1- from eternity expressed in human form. Then Jesus  inspired the apostles and New Testament writings .

Consider Paul ( after his ” Damascus – Road”  incident )  telling the Galatians in ” Ch. 1: 1 – 2″ – ” I want you to know , brothers , this Gospel I preached is not something that man made up ,…I was not taught it. Rather I received it “by revelation from Jesus Christ.”

In the Old Testament , the transmission of God’s mind   includes  when the Lord said to His prophet Jeremiah ( whose ministry began in 626 BC and finished in 586 BC ) in ” Ch. 31: 33 – 34″  ” This is the ( new ) covenant I will make with the House of Israel... I will put my Law in their minds

and write it on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be my people…they- ie ” we ” – will all know Him , from the least of us to the greatest .”  Doesn’t this sound like you and me right now??

The  Lord  spoke  to  Ezekiel  ( part of the  Babylonian Exile  in  596  BC  when  Jerusalem   was  destroyed )  ”  Ezekiel 35: 37  ” I  will  put  my  Spirit  in  you  and  move  you  to  follow  my  decrees  and ( to)  be  careful to  keep  my  Laws “ .

More communication  from  God  occurs  in  the  N.T.  when  in  John ,  Chapter 14 ,   Jesus  comforts  His disciples ,  promising  the  personal  counseling  of  the  in- dwelling  Holy  Spirit –  v :16  ”  I will  ask the  father  and He  will  give  you  another  counselor  to  be with  you  for – ever –  the  Spirit  of   Truth  .”  Prophecy from God fulfilled in us now .

  Again in  verse 26 ” But  the counselor , the Holy Spirit , whom the father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything   I have said to you.”

But more  importantly these   simple  verses   ensures  the  divine  power  and  light  of Jesus  is  never extinguished  through –  out  the  history  of  man –  kind  .  This  powerful statement is seen in action  when  Peter asks in  Acts 19:2  ”  Have they received  the  Holy  Spirit ?  Then  he went  to  the  new believers ,  placed  his  hands  on  their  shoulders  and  said  ”  receive  the  Holy  Spirit  ” .

This  ensured  the  transmission  of  the  Spirit  by  the  placing on  of  hands  to  new  believers  right  up to  our  present  time .  This  is  evidenced  by  the  huge  ”  Miracle  Crusades ”  that  have  empowered  and  healed  ordinary  people  all  over  the  world up to  today  .  ”  Halleluiah  !  The  Lord  has come ! “

In John  Ch. 16 – “the  work  of  the  Holy  Spirit” ,  verse 13 says  ”  But  when  He ,  the  Spirit  of  Truth comes  ,  He  will  guide  you  into  all  Truth .  He  will  not  speak  on  His  Own : He  will  only speak  what  He  hears , and  He  will  tell  you  what  is  to  come.”

This is an  interesting  exciting truth !  Remember  John 14 : 18  Jesus  promised us  He would never leave us  as orphans !

This shows  that  the  Holy  Spirit  passes  on  to  us  believers  only  What  he  hears  from  Jesus. This is not  His  separate  teaching. ” Eph. 1: 20 ”  says ”  God…raised  Him  from  the  dead and  seated Him on His  Right hand in the  Heavenly  Realms ,  far above all  rule and  authority,…”.  Jesus , now  exalted  and  enthroned ,  is  sitting  with  His  Father  On   High ,  and  acts  an  intermediary  between God  the  Father  and  us – right  now .

I Tim. 2: 5  says  ”  For there is one  God and  one  mediator  between  God  and  men ,  the  man Christ  Jesus  who  gave  Him  – self  as  a  ransom   for all  men –  the  testimony  given  in  its proper  time. ”  The ” proper  time ”  meant  ”  the time in recorded  prophesy  in  the  O T  of   Isaiah ( 730 BC approx. ) ”  of   a   virgin..in Bethlehem … in a  manger “, etc.  His testimony  was  to  bridge  the gap   between  man  and  God  by  our  faith  when  He  conquered  sin  and  death .

So  yes  we  are  now  communicating  with  God   the  father ,  but  with  Jesus   speaking to us  thru  the Holy  Spirit .  The book of John , Ch’s. 14 thru 16 , in particular ,  describes this relationship wonderfully .

There is then Heb 7 : 24 – 25 ; ” but  because  Jesus  lives  forever  He has a  permanent priesthood ( that’s us people ! ) Therefore He is able to  save  completely those who come to  God through  Him , because  He  always  lives  to  intercede  for  them ( us !). ” And we have the Mind of God as we are His priesthood on earth now.

The book of   ” Rev. 12 : 9 ” says ” satin has deceived the whole world” .  Continuously , and as now , the anti – Christ has  demonically  undone  the work of Jesus  by using man”s fallen nature.    During the ” Middle Ages  of Europe ,-  called ” the Dark Ages ‘ because  the light of  ” The word of God” to man  ie  ” cleanliness is next to Godliness ”  was   fiercely  snuffed out ( as what happened to Jesus ) where – ever it  flickered into flame . This was by the religious  Pharisees of their  day who wanted to keep their ultimate power as the divine  agent of  God on earth.

** (  The  middle  ages  is mostly  renown  for  its  disease  –  infectious  filth .  The ”  Black  Plague ” was spread by  bacteria –  infested rats  which prospered  in  the  garbage – laden  streets of  Europe in the 14 th  century . The  doctors  ,  using  the best  academically  acceptable  practice  of   their  times  , secluded  both  healthy  and  dying  members  of  a  family  in  their  homes .  This  multiplied  the  mortality  rate .  It  was  only  the  church  which  used  the  ” Ordained  by  God  ”  health  practices  of  the Old Testament  and  separated  the  sick  and  ” un clean ”   victims  from  the   remaining  populace .  It  is  estimated a  30 %  mortality  rate  decimated  Europe .  Then  there  are  the  strongly  christian  Scientists  ”  Pasteur ”  and  ” Lister “  which  against  persecution  and derision , again , brought  the  light  of  ”  cleanliness  next  to  God –  lines ” – John  Wesley ‘ s  words . They  championed  the  fact  that  infection  and  bacteria  came not  from  inside  the  food or  open wound  itself ,  for  instance ,  but  from  the  filthy  environment  around  these  items .  No  longer were  dirty  blood  –  encrusted  bandages  used  to  bind  soldiers  wounds )**

Heavenly – inspired ”  Martyrs  led  the  fight  for  the  closed  book  to  be  opened  to  common  man  in our common tongue . These  included  the persecuted  Thomas  Wycliffe of   the 1380’s ( whose bones were  exhumed  and  burnt )  and  John  Hess  who refused to recant that scripture was  a  greater authority  than  the  church  and  was  burnt  at the  stake in 1415 .  Thousands of other un- known  ( except  to God )  Saints led to the  Great  Reformation  with  Martin  Luther . Finally  ”  The Word Of God ” ,  greatly  assisted by  the printing  press  invention , was  at  the  center  stage  of   history  and allowed  to ”  re – new  the  mind  “  and   illuminate  the  dark  souls  of  un –  washed  man.

Jesus  is also  revealed  in  and  by ”  His creation . Col 1:16  ”  For  by  Him  all  things  were created…V:17 …and in  Him  all  things  hold together ” .  There is peace and  order  – no chaos .  Psalm 97 : v 6  ”  The  heavens  proclaim  His  righteousness ,  and  all  the  people  see His  Glory . ”  For example the wondrous beauty ,  design ,  order  and  sufficiency  of  the  rain – forests .  As  Genesis states  ”  All   producing  after  its’   kind ” . ”  He  holds  all  things  together  in  the  palm  of  His  hand  ” .

1 Cor. 2 : 12 – 14 ” We  have  received.. the  Spirit  who  is  from  God ,  that  we  may  understand what  has  been  freely given  us...because  they  are  spiritually  discerned ” .  The  natural  carnal  mind  cannot  receive  the  things  of  the  Spirit .  Only  the   sanctified  mind – ”  sanctified  by  the   Word  of  Truth  that  we (  now )  hear ” –  and  the  sanctifying  work  of  the  Spirit  allows us into  the  presence  and  majesty   now  of  God .

Let us  Remember ,  brothers  and  sisters  –  ”  we  have  not  been  given  a  Spirit  of  fear, but  a  Spirit  of   love ,  of   power ,  and  of  a  sound  mind  “.  2 Tim 1: 9 .

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