We all know the Christmas story of the star of Bethlehem. But do we really believe it ? There is a lot of symbolism – three wise men, A shining star, a manger, etc.
But “to put meat on the bones “; and to prove that the word of God is more than “star stories” lets’ read on .
Also by choosing to read more we are motivated by the truth of Hosea 4 : 6 ” my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge . Because you (OT Israel ) have rejected knowledge …I will forget your children . ”
We must be careful not to let that happen . Amen ?!
We can quickly delve into history thanks to Werner Keller’s book ” The Bible as History ” I will summarize his introduction as simply as possible . He writes not as a Christian but as a journalist .
In the intro Werner states ” …for a century now American , English , French , and Germans have been digging in the Middle East , in Mesopotamia , Palestine and Egypt. All great nations have founded institutes and schools for this type of research .
Why is this so ? what are they digging for? is it – ” this truth” – that man instinctively chases ? We are privileged to know , ” this is the divine reason why ” !
‘.. In Palestine places and towns which are mentioned in the Bible …look exactly how the bible describes them and lie exactly where the bible locates them . On ancient monuments and inscriptions scholars encounter more and more characters from the Old and New testaments . There are the people of the Hittites , ( Bible critics once argued they didn’t exist but their capital city in Turkey has been un – earthed ) , Philistines , Canaanites , Assyrians , The great cities of ..Nineveh , Nimrod ( old time Cal-ah ) . People such as King Mari ( a contemporary of Abraham ) ” .
In New Testament times he states ” Assyriologists deciphered on the astronomical tables of the Babylonians the exact dates ( 3 of them ) on which the star of Bethlehem was seen ” .
Werner concludes ” there kept hammering on my brain this one thought ” the Bible is right after all ” .
The star of Bethlehem was , Werner states , a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn . Their alignment in a row made an extra bright glow in the sky. Werner’s description in his chapter 36 – ” the Star of Bethlehem ” is fascinating reading . To condense it responsibly is not easy here ; suffice to say that the deciphered records of the esteemed ” School of Astrology ” at Sippur in Babylonia includes the reporting of this conjunction of planets . It occurred three times during that year approximately 6 weeks apart .
Modern re modelling of the planets positions shows it did indeed occur three times in the constellation of Pisces that year !
The wise men were the representatives of their institute. They could also have been Jewish or knew of that nation’s hope of a savior , as there were many Jews living in Babylon from the time of Daniel .
Daniel was highly blessed by God along with his three friends. Dan 1:17 “to these four young men God gave knowledge and under-standing of all kinds of literature and learning . And Daniel was able to under-stand dreams and visions.” God-lucky indeed as Daniel was able to interpret the Kings dream later on, which saved his life. All their exceptional qualities made the king reward them. In verses, Dan. 2:48-9 they were later given very high authority in Babylon, and they could have even started this school of learning , for this very purpose, over 500 years earlier, before the event! Otherwise it is only a geographic coincidence.
An example of ” Messianic ” verses ( foretelling the coming of the Savior ) is Malachi ( God ‘ s Prophet from 786 BC to 650 BC ) 5 : 2 ff ” But you , Bethlehem Ephratha – the area – though you are small among the clans of Judah , out of you will come for me a ruler over Israel …” . The next verse tells of ” she who is in labor will give birth … ” .
In these times scholars gave names and also meanings to celestial bodies . Saturn was considered to be the protector of Israel . Pisces was the symbol of the Messiah . With many more fascinating signs than can be placed here, the wise men of the East “saddled up ” and joined a caravan to find and to worship the birth of the messiah .
They might have stayed in their own country to observe all sightings , but because of the O. T. Messianic scriptures they wanted to worship the messiah them – selves . So three of them traveled from the East for the precise location of the expected third sighting of the Messiah’s Star of Bethlehem .
Another part of the Christmas story is the birth in a manger. There was ” no room in the inn ” because of the many travellors reporting back to their birth – place at that time . This was for the census that was ordered by Caesar . Because of the congestion on the roads and no advanced booking facilities , it was first in , best dressed . Their modest garments got them no favors from the innkeeper , except for the near by manger .
Both OT and NT ” digs ” show that farm animals were sheltered in mangers or in the lower floor of people’s homes especially in winter . Bible scoffers in their opinions say that in winter the shepherds do not tend their sheep at night because of the cold . But it could have been a warmer night than usual for the comfort of the new – born Son Of God .
The Biblical truth shines like a light from from the beginning of time . His will is done in heaven as it is done on earth – Mth. 6 : 10 As the Biblical earthly events are proven true , assuredly our Biblical heavenly hope is also waiting to be proven true .
We are standing on the solid ground of biblical truth .” if you abide in me and my word abides in you then ask what – ever you want and it will be given to you. ” Jn. 15 : 7 If not given now , He will give it in the future as part of His plan for you . So stand strong ! His will is made perfect in our weakness . His ways are perfect !