A fact-check of Jesus and Truth is always encouraging. It encourages the faithful to know that the Word Of God is really “inspired” by God, not “inspired by man” and so has never changed through the centuries. (see below). Here “Bible content”- from “the mind of God”- really is King! A fact-check of Jesus and Truth will show both believer and skeptic that Jesus “is the Truth and the (new) Life “-for humanity now.
This new, post-modern 21st century sees we humans as the end collectors of history up to this New Millennium. The failed experiments of proud atheist nations living with-out God has come and gone, and their slogans and graves are the only reminder.
The once- proud, “red” communist countries lost the “cold war” and imploded with-out a shot fired. They who called the western countries “decadent” and “paper tigers”, are now allowing “religion” in to their cultures. So dies with them the human ideals and philosophies of countless citizens,academics and despots-including Lenin, Stalin,Trotsky, Chairman Mao,Pol Pot , Hitler,etc.
Andrei Gorbachev, who had a Christian grand-mother, was quoted as saying”our people are as dead souls”when asked why the former USSR collapsed.
“Heaven and earth will pass away (including military parades of flags,drums,and war machines) but my word will never pass away.”Mark13:31,Is.51:6. And we are still reading the Word now. Amen? -“I am who I am”. Ex.3:14. Do you notice the “timeless time-line” of the verb “to be”.
Our interest is that ” We are abiding(living) in the Word right now, and the Word is now abiding(or living) in us” John 15:7. So we are on the side of victory, Amen? – an eternal life with Jesus.
Space limits this “fact-check” to a bare out-line. But it is more important that your attitude be washed and cleaned from the “scarring” of this world. Vanity, cynicism, pride, selfish independence- all are a “hardening of the heart”Mk.3:5,Ex.14:17, when Jesus is not accepted by you. (These are also deceptions of the evil one.) ” Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind”.Rom.12:2
A miracle can be so small and common as the”awesome!” potency of a small seed able to grow into an Oak Tree . Or-“every sunrise,every tree,(bird,fish,insect) every blade of grass”-ie of creation .(Source 1 below). Another miracle can be as large as the nation of Israel.
It is the only nation in history where “a people” -who were defined as a distinct group,with their own language, culture and religion -were with-out their own country, and spread to every corner of the world (all according to OT prophecy).“The wandering Jew” would return to their own ancestral land in 1948, long after the Romans conquered Jerusalem in 70 AD.
This “Return of the Jews” was prophesied in scripture by God’s Prophets including Jeremiah around 2600 years before it happened in 1948! Just luck !? “The Lord knows the end from the beginning”!
There have been thousands of other kingdoms and nations who have prospered, fallen and disappeared from history. Even a conquering people like the Hittites who ruled parts of Syria, and Palestine approximately 1400 BC to 1200 BC,had disappeared from history. Bible cynics scoffed that they were just “made up stories” of the bible. But their capital city, records, and monuments have now been excavated in Eastern Turkey.
“Miracles” are the signs or proofs of a cosmic God.
To define a miracle can be as simple as ” God breaking into our human world to achieve His purpose.”
The fore-most one is the virgin birth or “the immaculate conception” of Jesus, His death and resurrection,ascension, and enthronement by the side of God. These were foretold in detail by God’s prophets, especially Isaiah, from 700BC.
“Source 1” below states, that “the purpose of miracles” is “the revelation (of God) and edification (of God and man). “After re-calling the many un-recorded works of Christ, John adds ” but these are written,that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ,the son of God; and that by believing, you will have new life in His name.”John 20:31
It continues “there are nearly 40 demonstrative “signs” (miracles) done by Christ in the Gospels” ie “the blind see,the lame walk, lepers are healed,the dead live.” John writes’Many other signs(miracles) truly did Jesus do in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this book.”John 20:30.
Such motivation from the power of these miracles, along with the fiery in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit in the “upper room”, enabled His fearful, un-believing 12 disciples to spread Christianity through-out the known world. This was with- out an army or finance. Only the Love of Christ “for the world”. For instance the previous “doubting” Thomas gave his life in India from being “skinned alive”.
Then there is “The Dead Sea Scrolls” which are fragments and portions of all the books of the Bible except Esther. These date from the first century. They are found to be “miraculously” similar to the bible we are reading today,with no change in the Christian doctrine. There is an accuracy of more than 98 percent, with “variants”,(variations) of names and numbers making most of the in-accuracies.
This is a great testament to the generations of scribes copying the text of their scriptures through the millennia. This is in accordance to Mathew 5:18 ” I tell you ‘ until heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle can in no way go astray from the law until all things be fulfilled.”
Wow!! (“a jot and a tittle” were the tiny marks and ticks at the top of Jewish letters!) Nobody ever devotes them-self to a lie! We are still living under this prophecy today.
Finally, because of time, there is always verse Rom. 1:20-21: “For since the creation of the universe God’s invisible qualities -his eternal power and divine nature -have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are with-out excuse. For even though they knew God they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they become futile in their speculations and their foolish heart was darkened.”
Evolution is a lie! It is a great” faith ” in “an idea” that has no evidence. All the fossil record – all set in stone, yet – shows no changing fossil remains in the rock! This would other-wise show ,for example, animals ‘up-sizing’ from 2 legs to three or more.
The definition of “evolution”-which is never even mentioned in the secular world (on purpose as it falls short, obviously)- is “small changes over a period of time”. But there is no “evolutionary trail” of any changing living thing in the fossil record that stands up to any hard scrutiny.
Everything is made perfect and complete, just as Genesis says. All things reproduce “after their kind”. Species of birds don’t want to inter- breed ,for example,which would bring chaos to their beautiful distinctive colors that He made,for our enjoyment. What a Master-plan!!
For decades I always wanted three arms to both open doors and to carry packages, but my son was born with only 2 arms!! Modern science shows this was because there was no new “genetic information” in my DNA. “Wishful thinking” isn’t enough! More facts on Creation can be found at “creation.com”, and “answersingenesis.org” with free subscription to their newsletters.
Do we lose organs and limbs if we do not use them, as the evolutionary “camp of poor people” say? No. Males still have chest nipples, although never used through all generations!! This is a simple message from God. Wake up!
Because God brings about life exactly as His Word says- we can be assured that our sufferings now are not anywhere near the glory that will be revealed in us”. Rom.8:18,2 Cor.4:17. We have over-come this world! Rejoice, for glory awaits us! Fight the Good Fight Of Faith! Amen!!
The Living Bible Encyclopedia H.S Stuttman Co.Inc. NY.NY