Discovering the mystery of creation- or is it evolution? – should be known to us all. Today’s scientists are searching for the Truth and are discovering the mystery of creation.. In the course of time-ie His time- their discoveries are being revealed in progressively more and more detail for us all to enjoy- in our ‘nature’ documentaries, for example. It is also a fundamental Truth that God reveals Him-self and His Character, in nature.
The previous posts of ” the Superiority of Christ” – 1-4, will help to prepare you for the truth. Our present post-modern Western culture is not friendly to God. Most of you, because of a fragile faith not based on the bible, will live in denial. But Modern science is proving Scripture.
Looking at this problem from above, Why do we people even care about the evidence for God? Because it is part of the human DNA to worship a super-natural power who has all the answers to our “reason for being”.
Different cultures world-wide all have their own religions. Local superstition plays a large role in these.(Many have an ocean, watery or flood origin! This is not a co-incidence but the remains of the actual event generations ago,- Noah’s Flood!- before the spreading of the people at Babel.)(Google this!)
To deny our origins is in itself, “an answer in part”. The intellect of your brain is already satisfied with your surroundings. But really, we were designed to “want more.” (oops! see post “Perfection”)
Other religions,- not Christian – only have “generalized” or fanciful origins (see post- ‘Christ’s Supremacy 2″) Because it is a lie from the beginning, these “origins” “are generalized”. This is because they are easy to imagine but difficult to examine and prove as a lie. But now, “in the course of His time’, things which were kept “in the dark’ are now “being exposed by the light”of scientific research and observation. Christ rules supreme!
“The Genesis Enigma”,Pub. 2003,by A. Parker, a Scientific atheist, says on the back cover that his book reveals how “the latest modern under-standing corresponds in unerring detail with the creation account in Genesis.”
The main opposition to Biblical Creation in our Western culture is expressed in the Evolution theory. This is defined as small (or large!) changes over a long period of time.
This theory is presented in schools these days as a proven fact when it is not proven at all ! This is just wishful thinking as there is no evidence, or we would believe it too! There is no evolutionary trail of any living thing found in the fossil record!
Instead all rock fossil remains show the Biblical account of creation. This is all former living things perfectly made -some very similar to living descendants now- and most showing signs of rapid buriel from a watery catastrophe under tons of mud and vegetation. There is no missing link to any living creature today that can stand up to scientific scrutiny. This means for you too! “Lucy” from Kenya(this shows the racial bias of these scientists!) is “defrocked”. “We were all created in the image of God” (please see also post ‘You can choose to live in Truth or deception.”)
Some examples of our Christian doctrine are from source 1 below.
” In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.”–Then God saw everything that He had made and indeed it was very good.So the morning and the evening were the sixth day.” Gen. 1:31.
The Apostle Paul said -” There are men who hold (-down, or ‘suppress’) the truth” Rom.1:18-21. KJV.
God’s wrath is upon them! Why? Because there are facts “which can be known about God”.v19. Paul says”For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being under-stood through what has been made, so that they are with-out excuse.” What has been clearly seen? God’s very nature! How is that revealed? Through the things that are made! All the physical world around us points to God. That is why all men are with-out excuse for ignoring God!
What happens when men ignore God? They still have that probing Question- Where did I come from? But they became..vain in their imaginations,.. their hearts are darkened.” v21. Have you ever noticed the utter futility and boredom of the reasoning of men who ignore God?
When you know that Your God is big enough to create, do you think your faith in Him is enlarged ?
“Ah Lord God, Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.” Jer.32:17
How did the infant church pray in confidence to God?- “Lord,You are God who made Heaven and Earth and the sea and all that is in them.” Acts 4:24.
“Did they leave anything out? They finished by asking God to give His bond-servants boldness and confidence to speak while God did signs and wonders in the name of Jesus.”
“O Lord how manifold (numerous and great) are your works!In wisdom You have made them all! The earth is full of your possessions!” Psalm 104: 24.
Creation and Our Faith. The wonderful world of creation is all around us. It was designed and spoken into existence by God’s very Word. He is the author of “science”. “In Him are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”(or Philosophy and science) Col.:2:3
The creation, used so often to help describe God’s power in both OT and NT, shows us that under-standing the principles of God’s miraculous creation epoch is essential to our faith.
” Through faith we under-stand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which were seen.” Heb.11:3 They were created “ex nihlo”, out of nothing.
Creation and Christ: Christ Him-self repeatedly acknowledged the truth of all of the Old Testament. “If you do not believe all of Moses’ writings , how will you believe my words?”
Moses wrote the ‘creation account’ and Jesus makes direct reference to it in Math. 19:4, when speaking about marriage. Jesus also says, for example, in Luke 16:1.”If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, they will never be persuaded(to believe), though one rises from the dead.” He is predicting the results of His own horrendous death. “Oh foolish ones and slow of heart to believe in All that the prophets have spoken.” Luke24:25
The Creation Foundation:
- Genesis -God’s first revelation of the Bible – begins with it.
- The Gospel of John begins with it.
- Romans – the compete Gospel- makes the knowledge of it the basis for judgement.
- Paul’s ‘Mars Hill ‘ discourse begins with ‘Creator God’.(Acts 17:22ff)
- Colossians begins with it.
- Hebrews establishes Creation as its first basic doctrine.
Why Is It so important?
The enemy of God and man desires to undermine God’s expressed account of creation. By denying creation it is easier to deny God’s plan of salvation and then the truth of all of God’s word.
If God is subtly removed from people’s minds as their Creator, then it is simple for them to disregard Him as their Redeemer. (Remember Rev.12:9 “the enemy deceives the whole world.”)
The following are only a few examples of common-sense facts.
Our minds are the most intricate,delicate computers imaginable. The first computers. When we look at anything in our world we can only analyse it on the basis of what we have already learned or heard, and accepted. Attitude, or the ‘Heart” (see post ” A New Heart?) directs our intelligence.
Have you ever heard the phrase from computer experts “junk in- junk out”. Mis-information in our computers sadly affects how we think and believe in everything.
How hard, if not impossible, it is for the heart to accept what the mind rejects!
If any part of God’s word is rationalized as wrong, then How can we believe the rest of it? Attacks on God’s Word are nothing new- (New-Age)Humanism ,Communism, Evolution, Modernism,Socialism- Their track record is littered with failure. But what does God say ” Heaven and earth will pass away but my Word will never pass away!”
What is science? Think! Is not science supposed to deal with reality??Is it not the study of facts as they really are? Pure science analyzes the Real World.
Wait! How much of what is popularly called science is loaded with just speculation and guesswork?
Are we really willing to program our computers with pure knowledge? Can such knowledge even be found?
Where is True knowledge to be found? “The fear (reverence) of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Prov. 1:7.
The whole structure of the Bible rests on the foundation of Genesis. Why do you think there have been such explosive attacks on events such as Biblical Creation, the flood, and other supernatural events of Genesis?
Did You Know ?
- Though some say the Bible is not a science text, the scriptures speak authoritatively in matters of science and history!
- All investigation has shown the Bible to be scientifically ACCURATE !
- Of the two places where the word “science” appears in the Bible, note this caution: “Avoid profane and vain babblings, and opposition of science,falsely so called.” 1 Tim.6:20.
And over all this we state ” For as the heavens are higher than the Earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts”. Isaiah 55:9.
This report will be kept short for time and consideration.
One example out of many in the book is the following: Magnets and Miracles.Take two ‘bar magnets’. Try to push two positive ends together. What Happens?The ‘like’ ends repel each other.
Protons (positive particles) adhere(stick!) close to the nucleus of every atom. It seems a miracle of science that the structure of every atom in every particle of the universe doesn’t fall apart. ( also each electron has momentum; there-fore a counter force to keep the electron”curving around” the nucleus instead of flying off “in a straight line” is needed. Attraction, gravity, -what’s that?)
What does the bible say? “…all things were created by Him(Jesus) and for Him; and He is before all things (there ‘in power’ first) and by Him all things hold together, (or consist).” Col.1:16-17. This verse has been called ‘the creation verse.’ (see post ” a History of Jesus and Truth”. This includes “the god-particle” and Haddron Collidor of Europe.)
The next article will have other “items of interest”- such as “Continental Drift”, and of “Light.”
God’s Word has never changed, as proven by the “Dead Sea Scrolls.” In these un-certain times, His presence, thru the Holy Spirit in us, and with us, is reassuring. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous rush to it and are saved.” Prov. 18:10. I trust you find the article helpful so far. Do not build your faith on a foundation of sand but on the bed-rock of God’s Word, the Truth. Cheers!!
Unlocking The Mysteries Of Creation. Dennis R. Petersen B.S.,M.A. Publishers Christian Equippers International, South Lake Tahoe, California. 1987.