Even now the Battle -for Jesus and Truth in spiritual war- against His enemy – is intensifying. It is hotting up! Nowhere is this more visible than what has been played out on our TV screens. The battle for Jesus and Truth in spiritual warfare, against the enemy’s “sensational” lies, has been invading the living rooms of our homes for the past half-century. This is with disastrous results for family life,the foundation of all societies.
This blog,as some will know,has been written from a biblical perspective. This is to reveal conclusively and scientifically the Truth of God’s Word . This is other-wise ignored or ridiculed in every-day life. I trust the more supportive readers will agree.
The skeptic, or baby christian, will not be forgotten , though -as he or she is loved by the Lord even as we believers were , before we were given grace -“by Jesus first, before we knew Him”. Because of Jesus and Truth In Spiritual warfare now with our common enemy the destruction and evil that is the end result will be evident to all who have any sense of Truth and justice.
We as Christians believe and hold firm from the high ground of God’s Victory on the Cross . This over threw sin, and the wages of sin – death. With His subsequent Resurrection,Ascension and Glorification, He sits on the right hand of God in the heavens interceding with us today!Heb.7:25,Col.3:1, Rom.33-5;
Because of time restraints we will briefly identify, biblically, the players and goals.
On our side we have-from the beginning to the end- God- “I will be your God and you will be my people” (Gen17:7ff) “Elohim”-in the plural of the god-head, or“yaw eh”of OT, “promised -land” times. There are many similar verses through-out the bible to Rev. 21:3-4a.
A few NT verses are- as “God so loved the world He sent His only son to save the world.”John 3;16.or, “I have come that you may have abundant life”John 10:10b.
In the other corner-we have “the thief comes to accuse,steal and destroy”John10:10a. Also from Genesis, as Rom. 5:12 says “through one man(Adam, from eating the apple in Eden) sin entered into the world,“Also Psalm 51:5(written approx. 900BC)“Behold I was sinful at birth, in sin my mother conceived me”. Also, Eph 2:2ff “to follow the prince of the power of the air,the spirit who is even now at work in the sons of dis-obedience.”ff …we were by nature objects of wrath.“Another,Rom.7:15ff”Now if I do what I do not want to do then it is not I that does it but sin living in me that does it”.
We can identify the two spiritual powers in this contest.
On one side we have the high moral ground of righteousness, justice,and liberty(including “personal freedom and joy”). These are the virtues of humanity for which thousands of historical revolutions were fought and countless numbers of citizens died for. Their virtue painted the cobble-stone streets “red” with blood.The better-known revolutions of France and America had similar ideals of “freedom, justice,equality,and”pursuing happiness”, emblazoned on their flags and hearts.
The cross of Christ can also be raised with them in the lead, as per Jn.3:16“God so loved The world…”. and 1 Jn. 4:8“The one who does not love does not know God,for God is love.”
Our human virtues and ideals spring up from the eternal hope that is in the spirit of man. This was first planted by God when “He blew into our nostrils the breath (or Spirit) of life(spiritually human)and man became a living being.”Gen.2:7 We are not just ‘a higher form of animal”! They only follow their own god-their stomach!
On the other side is sin-corruption,pride and vanity,greed and the need for power.The true description of lucifer -“a created angel of beauty and light” before his banishment from Eden. Through jealousy he tried to over-throw God, so he could become god.
The enemy’s goals are anything that accuses(attacks), destroys, or steals anything that represents the righteousness and holiness of Jesus- and His special Creation -us, man-kind! Especially those having the Holy Spirit living in us!
His sole aim is to denigrate humanity. Remember this! Anything that makes you spiritually dis-heartened or to loose hope about humanity- is from the foe! Eject it with the Word of God.ie“I can do all things through Christ who loves me”Phil.4:13.- Get out! in the name of Jesus!
The embodiment of evil, and a template for the present times- was Hitler who based his policies on(racial) superiority,and lies,and brute force.Now it is “gay Pride”, who think they are better than the “mumbles”(remember the criticisms of Harry Potter stories?) or “common people’s” social values.
We also live in turbulent times ! The small s–guy has agents and dark powers continually working against human dignity. The movement of “marriage -equality” is most of all an attack on God, and God’s -and our- greatest virtue, -Love (a ‘selfless’ love.)
It is common practice these days that most people, also including “gays”, don’t get married. They live together as” partner-ships”, with all the civil rights and protection for the incumbents as if they were married. So why do “gay couples” really want to get married?- to achieve respectability which they have already? No –To attack the church.
Is there same-sex divorce? That is not mentioned in the euphoria (or extreme happiness!) of rebelling against God which we see constantly on the faces on TV, is it? “they delight in their evil ways in broad day-light, they are a blot andstain among you..”- 2 Peter 2:13 It is well known among older generation thatthe separation “stats”of s-s couples is much higher than “straight couples”. “They fight at the drop of the hat!!”-one radio jockey said.He was soon moved to a country station!
Freedom of our press went long ago!
What is going to happen to the churches that refuse their ceremonies? They will be legislated against, finally, and forced to oblige, or close. -which is the “guy’s” ultimate goal!! They will be better than God as they walk down the aisle married. So much for our tradition of separation of church and state!
Nothing is said about “the sickness that is in them”- Aids.Rom.5:22 This is predominantly spread, as medical reports state,by the “gay” culture, at great expense to the tax-payer!
Many of the innocent “gay”supporters are not aware of the indecent acts of s-s couples.There is nothing said about the un-natural acts,including sodomy, in the news reports. Many in the gay culture think the anus is superior to the vagina for coitus. How perverted and deceived the young generation are! It is perverted love, which is anathema to God.
Gay pride is being championed everywhere. What changes are sports clubs doing about “showering” after the game? do straights want to be with gays who may be “eying” them. Like all lust theirs is a “predatory” need. And worse now with respectable pride given them. What-ever happened to “mate-ship?”
The gay-lib agenda, has been quietly in control of all media for decades, and have been brain-washing the public. The print media regularly fed us gay-sympathy stories. Their goal is to makes their own un-natural union look less weird, by cheapening the image or idea of normal marriage. They accomplished this by replacing the words “husband and wife” with “partner”,and “marriage” with “partner-ship”. This is also an attack on the idea of “family”, and “family values”( is the heading – “Attack on the family”- familiar? This “normal family image” irritates their new “pride”status). Every marriage and family break-up is a win for him! “Love grows cold”-a prophecy for these times.
The more that evil is talked about, the less evil it becomes.This is why many “un-natural things” are recognized and banned at first, but after sustained “oxygen” or “air-play” (we are sick of it!!), they are finally passed by “democracies”.
Our present generation have been dis-inherited of the natural need for” home and nurturing” ie love. Especially the more -vulnerable females. “Proud Feminism” is championed by the few “flag-wavers” of the media. But in keeping with the Truth this is not a surprise to the Lord. He says in Mth.24:12 “because of lawlessness in the last days the love of many will grow cold.”
The bible has the answer for this perversion of “gay choices”. It is to reject this relationship, through counseling and ‘real’ friend-ship, and to come closer to Jesus by studying His Word. Successful seminars are running in several churches.
The bible in many verses makes clear God’s hatred of s-s relation-ships.(Lev. 20:13 “they both (men) shall be put to death.” (Also Rom.1:27,) In Sodom and Gomorrah “there was not one good man that could be found”,before the towns were destroyed. (Their ruins have been found.)It is interesting that these “champions of human rights”, when commenting on TV about adopting children,say that they will not allow their children to ever know their bio-logical parents. This is contrary to present-day “compassionate” values where this is a recognized (and legislated) right of the adopted child.
There are ,simultaneously, other schemes and attacks on God, and” us” in our times.
The lies spread about “evolution”are a constant lie and profane our lord Jesus Christ,who made all things.(see post”a Quick Fact-Check of Jesus and Truth”)
Then, there is also that “tragic extremism” of the middle eastcatastrophe.(see post”our inheritance’ 20/10/14.) The ensuing results produced by this biblical conflict (prophesied in Gen. 16:11-2) are the continuing boat-loads of un-wanted human cargo, and mass bombings of innocents.
These are all persistent attacks on the “value” of God’s special creation -humanity-made in His image.
All agents of the enemy use ‘persistency’ to ” wear down” our sensitivities and concern.
These”carriers of bad news” are constantly, in the shopping malls,often in black, often with men pushing the baby buggies-(Liars and deceivers!, as men don’t do their women’s work at home!) They are fulfilling their “holy jihad”, a religious,evangelistic law expected of them – by constantly (attacking), showing small children or happy family groups in obvious places. Western values of optimism, hope,and freedom are constantly tested and eroded.
Lonely western women,in wanting family life, reject “western freedom” and are attracted to their secure,”visible” laws, where they supposedly don’t have to worry about their body image,etc. But ,according to a French report, this particular pressure is from the catwalk fashion queens “waging war” on the normal feminine body-shape. The French Government have recently passed laws requiring a minimum body weight for models.
The day after 9/11 they were groups laughing in the empty local mall. Recently a family friend face-booked that they saw families of them as tourists taking happy,victorious photos at the Martin Place siege monument a few weeks after the event,in Sydney,Australia. That wasn’t reported!
Children are “brain-washed” through “prayers” of lies and superiority- 5 times a day! They cannot be reasoned with.They are blinded by lies. This is why, for example, the middle- eastern men don’t mix or play sport,or even music, with the so- called infidel, as other immigrant groups do,successfully. Now the Western Governments want to roll out expensive programs to fix their isolation, but it is their fault, not our fault. Lies Again, as they think we are “pigs”.
But governments are aware more than ever of this, and are passing laws preventing radicalization.
How-ever we are not to worry! After all ,in the large scope of God’s plan of mercy, the enemy is only a ‘bit’ player.Bible scholars have questioned why the bible does not mention the enemy more.
The reason ,they say, is that we also should concentrate or focus on Jesus only! the enemy and his agents are a defeated foe! Jesus made a public spectacle of them,triumphing over them at the cross.This is made clear when Jesus ,in “the Lord’s prayer”asks of His father “..deliver us from the evil one”. God can do this for His children, as for any father protecting his family.
As in the book of Job,The devil is only going about his work with the consent of God. This can be to test our love for Him in our resolve not to quit. “As we share in His sufferings we also will share in His glory”:”because the world hated me it will hate you also”. We are like the Gold in the flame of the forge, where the dross falls away,and after testing, the pure gold shines forth. Remember “we have not been given a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind.”2 Tim.1:7 . Who said religion was boring!? Praise the Lord!
Mon.-8/6/15 – There is more on this subject coming very soon in the next few days.
Just a quick test to see if” the eyes of your heart”-Eph.1:18a- are becoming open. Can you think of two popular TV shows that constantly derided or ridiculed God, or His representative, and which everyone laughs at in their re-runs?