Just the D- Day Landings 70th Anniversary ?? Not really !!

So is this just the D-Day landings 70th  anniversary? Not really! The D-day Landings were a game-changer for us, which allow us now to enjoy the liberty we have; The D-Day Landings were an act of God, in God’s plan “of freedom for the captives.”and definitely not just part of recorded history.

For True Believers we know this was another act of God in His relationship and reconciliation with His people.  ” His people ” being ” the two in one “(Heb. 10: 20)  ie both Jew and gentile believers.This includes those landing on the D-Day beaches  that morning and in the Universal Church now and to come.

On those Normandy beaches that morning the weather and the surf  had become so bad that Gen. Eisenhower  would have stopped the operation  by the time the Allies arrived to commence battle if it hadn’t been too late.

Indeed the storms looked so threatening on the weather maps to the Nazi command that – according to historical records printed in the ” Tomorrows World” mag. ( excellent research but are non believers of the full deity of Jesus – God forgive them)  the normal German soldiers billeted near the beach positions were over – confident there would be no attack that day and partied until late the night before , some missing their posts.

Also even Hitler at his command center on the morning of the attacks was finally aroused hours late after a late night. This made him miss critical time to make counter- attack decisions which his Generals were waiting for and which allowed the Allies to gain more ground.

But while the seas at the landing beaches were higher than planned for, “the stage was set and the pieces were falling into place ” as ordained long before by the Lord Jesus “ who has been given full authority here on earth ”  Mth. 28:18.

The soldiers poured out of their landing craft , often over their  fallen comrades before them- in an UN-stoppable wave. Photos show that only a few hours before ,  Anglican priests braced them – selves in those small heaving landing craft wearing  flowing white garments  complete with collar . They stood with  ” The good word ” open in their hands while they gave benediction ” Nu 6:24 – 27 ”  ” may the good Lord bless you and keep you “ to the huddled troops at their feet. Isiah 43 : 5 ” do not be afraid for I am with you.  The plan and power of God made them victorious.

Even the cresting seas couldn’t stop the engineers who courageously connected the line of  flat- topped pontoons  together. These had been specifically designed for the job that day; this was to provided both a break – water and a wharf  for the  unstoppable flow of reinforcements , tanks and supplies to maintain  the forward flow of battle after the landings.

The efficient preparation of the Nazi defenses could not stop the forces of  freedom from liberating the captives of an occupied   Europe. Is this not an accurate description of  the work and character of our Lord ?

Liberty is one of the ” pillars” of  Christian doctrine paramount in the Word of God. God allowed us Liberty when He first formed us ” in His image”   and gave us a free choice in the Garden of Eden. He didn’t bind us to His command not to eat from the tree of knowledge but allowed us to choose when- ever we are tempted. Similarly we are given the liberty to either choose Him as God and king in our lives or to reject Him.

Another very important part of liberty is the liberty we all love in our every- day lives in our Western , Christian – defined lands.  An American poet – whom I forget –  wrote ” as sight is to the eye, as hearing is to the ear ,as love is to the heart, so is Liberty to the soul of Man.”

Nations,  revolutions and countless  millions  have fought for that perfect ” idea ‘  of freedom.  It is featured in idealistic national  anthems . Along with ” Love ” ,  ” freedom”  is an inspiration for music  poetry and dance  in all cultures. With peace it brings  new ideas , progress and prosperity.

As the Book of Romans Ch.8 & 9 says, ‘ we designated Christians live by our spirit but non – believers live by their sinful human nature.” So most of humanity choose evil, and evil comes in varying degrees.

Studies at bible college show  that Hitler became more  demonically possessed  as his years went by in the top job. This is attested by the many film clips of him addressing large masses of people . He is seen almost spitting and shouting into the microphone . The crowd are flying huge banners and saluting him and responding to him with roars as  he makes references to being ” god ‘ .

He attracted similar  evil people to him.  The nazi party started in the beer halls , with alcohol fueling their common hatred . Then the brown and “black shirts” stifled  and killed any opposition. Then came the marches at night ;  with army  jack- boots thumping on the cobbled streets , and  drums and nazi banners flying .  The re – armament of their country continued for years . All these are signposts of the evil human nature being exercised, with racial superiority a driving  force.

The true extent of their evil was only revealed when the first hole-cast camp was liberated and  army troops saw the dying  inmates. It is recorded that Allied troops , after seeing the full scale of the horror of the many death camps of the Jews – His people – they did not give as much mercy to the still fighting German troops. Motivated still with the demonic kill- thrill and blood – lust and pride driving  them on,  nazi Germany and Hitler did not surrender .  This  could have saved countless lives but they  fought on to the very last rubble – filled street in Berlin and their country was totally over- run. This is in fulfillment of   Jer: 3011. I will  destroy your enemies completely among which I scatter you.” This refers historically to  Babylon but can be linked to the total  defeat of Germany.

This verse can also explain why the plan to kill Hitler approximately a year before the end of the war by some of his top officers failed.  Although the plan was successfully carried out the bomb blast did not harm him but killed and injured many of the officers that were close to him in the operations room. He escaped unharmed . This result seems to contradict what a ” good ” God would do : but it does reveal the power of  the Lord’s Prophecy . For to contemplate even the remaining vestiges an unconditional surrender of this Nazi government is anathema for the Lord.

Only in his last bunker with all ablaze above him did the ” rebellious” Hitler finally relent  to the  socially acceptible  and admitted  defeat . He  surrendered  his pride  and married  his long – standing lover Eva Braun . Shortly after they were dead.

But the main reason for this blog is to show  how historical events fulfill Prophecy and how God follows His plan as written  in scripture.

It has been said that directly because of  the global horror and public sympathy for the ” wandering” Jewish people after the death – camp horrors of Hitler, the establishment  of the state of Israel was voted on and passed in the United Nations in 1948.

It became a UN protectorate under the British with an  area with less than a million people. This was given by an Arab ruler for this purpose. Here again this fulfills the great restoration prophecy of Jer: 30: 1-3 . Also  Isiah 43: 4 – 7 “ because I love you I will give men in exchange for You ..” This could include the men giving their lives  for victory on the Normandy Beaches …bring my sons from afar …every-one who is called by my name.” . Further- more  in the 1967 war Israel captured or re- claimed Jerusalem after beating back an attack by surrounding Arab nations who were set to annihilate  them . This sets the stage for Jesus to return to earth in glory to the ” New Jerusalem ” which will become “the holy city”. Rev 21:2

 The  D – Day Landings were an important part in the culmination of God’s plan for the ultimate reconciliation for all mankind to Him. The location of which is in the ” heavenly Jerusalem” Rev. 21:2″ –  the final chapters of scripture- which center on Jerusalem- brought about these events. They could not happen if it was inhabited and ruled – even partially – by a different religion and God. 

One source says there are more than 2000 references to the return of the Jewish people to their Promised Land.

The D -day landings were not just another battle but an important point  in the divine plan of God which is being out- worked even to- day.

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