- The ” Spiritual Supremacy of Jesus Christ” , continues from the previous post “Christs Supremacy on earth”. (The other “world religions” are listed below) The Spiritual Supremacy of Jesus is proven in our ” prosperous” but morally bank-rupt times of today. Biblically , the spiritual supremacy of Jesus is assured in Col.1:16,” For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible or invisible,whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities: all things were created by Him and for Him.”
Angels, even fallen angels, have been created by Christ” before the earth “-Job 38:4-7,Ps.148:2-5,-but they are not to be worshiped! -Col. 2-18.
The spiritual beings of “angels,powers and authorities”, which are mentioned many times in the bible, are all “spiritual deceptions on earth”, set up by the enemy, to deceive and draw people away from the love of the true “creator of the universe”, Jesus.-Heb.1:2.
These inferior authorities,powers and dominions includes all man-made Gods which exist today, whether they be fancy Western doctrines or Eastern mythology. All of them follow different “Works” or rituals, which give a sense of peace with God when they are completed. They all feed the corrupt human nature -Gen.6:11,Ps.14:11.- of pride and vanity, doing uncomfortable , but not impossible things. But these routines and philosophy’ s are as a desert, devoid of the unconditional love and peace of Jesus.
There are many scriptures and fulfilled prophecies that lead to the Spiritual Supremacy of Christ in the Bible. Because of limitations of space and time a full compilation is not possible.
Proof from Modern Science
includes Archeology , astronomy, fantastic fossil finds, genetic engineering, geology to quantum physics and Zoology – are proving the Bible, including its’ many fulfilled prophecies. Some on-line sites are -“creation.com”, “Tomorrow’sWorld.org”- with free “bible course”, also ”answersingenesis.org”
In the book of Hebrews, starting with Ch.1:1, (here God the Father reveals Him-self as the source of Revelation of Him-self in both the OT and NT covenants.) ” In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us through His Son (Jesus) whom He has appointed heir of all things, and through whom He made the universe.”
When He says “in the past” compared to ” in these last days” He is comparing the revelation of Him-self spoken through His prophets “before Christ”, to the time now of His revelation of Himself in Jesus,
In John 14:10 Jesus says to His disciples ” Don’t you believe I am in my father and my father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather it is my Father living in me who is doing His work.” Also 12:49,14:24
When Jesus is described in Heb. 1:1 as “being appointed heir of all things ” this shows His superiority over all other “beings”, as there is no mention what-ever of other angels, fallen or other-wise,which have this honor bestowed onto them.
In ch.1:4″so He became as much Superior to the angels as The Name He has inherited is superior to theirs.”
In the book of Hebrews Ch.1:verses 5-14, (source 1,below) states Christs’ superiority to angels is documented and prophesied by 7 OT verses.
As an example,Ch.1:5“You are my son, today I have become your father” This passage is from Psalm 2:7. which was attributed to King David in about 900 BC. (But the whole Psalm is a beautiful Messianic warning from v.1)” Why do the nations conspire and the people plot in vain?...against the Lord and His anointed One...to Kiss the Son , lest He be angry and you be destroyed in your way....to v.12) Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.” This scripture is picturing the already completed distribution of nations today- including the New America” and Israel.
Another example of OT prophecy in Hebrews is Ch.1:6 ” let all God’s angels worship Him” from Ps.97:7 (not literately).
Also repeated is Ch.1: 10 “In the beginning,O Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth.” from Job: 38:4, Ps.102:25 . As in verse 6, this is a passage First given to “Yaweh”, and is now bestowed to the Son by the Father.
Another source (Number 2 below) documents seven miracles that Jesus did in the book of John, along with the seven “I am” statements, eg” I am the Resurrection and the (new Spiritual ) life. He who believes in me will never die…”11:25.
Still another source (Number 3 below)lists the three-fold ministry of Jesus- as 1) Prophet to all man-kind Heb.1:1-2. 2) High priest to all men, Heb.3:1,5:6, and 3) King of all nations. Dan7:13-14,Isa.9:6-7. Also shown is approximately 100 examples where Jesus is better than ,for example angels, prophets, Moses, Joshua,other priests, or OT sacrifices. “He was the perfect sacrifice” because He was “sinless.” (perfect) Rom. 5: 19 “…through the obedience of one man the many will be made righteous.”-here in sequence, His “humanity” at the cross, is stressed first , then comes His “divinity” at “saving” believers.
The spiritual superiority of Jesus in Bible truth is the Resurrection of the Lord; Col2:15 “After He had dis-armed all the powers and authorities, He had made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross”.
Yes! Yahoo!! Victory!! ” The Battle is the Lord’s.”- Heb.7:25,” there-fore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him because He always lives to intercede for them.”. (Rom.8:34,Job. 16;10,Is.53:12- written 730 BC!) Part of His Spiritual Supremacy is that He is sitting as your Barrister right now in your trial, pleading your case to the Judge ( Yaweh-God the father)
Then there is the Supreme ministry of the Holy Spirit IN us, sent as a deposit or down-payment of full future salvation to “believers” in Jesus’s name. Rom.8: 26-7″ He intercedes in us, in accordance with God’s will.”
Brief but Accurate Descriptions of – ” The Enemy’s Deceptions” .
No. 1) Buddhism– Steve Cioccolanti-” I present Buddhism the way it is lived, the way local Asians practice it, not the way it’s presented by Hollywood or teachers in Western academic classes where it is presented as a “scientific religion’. This appeals to westerners. Evolution supports “this theory for everything”. Buddha is traditionally said to have abandoned his wife and child .
But “in Buddhism ‘ love’ is a totally foreign concept”,”it is one of the nine fetters which hinder enlightenment. Love produces desire and attachment, which lead to karma and then suffering…The traditional Buddhist moral rules are similar to andsometimes even more stringent than the OT Law…consequently many live under a huge burden of fear, of judgement of hell after death.” All openings for the Gospel! – Creation Magazine Vol 35, No 1,2013.
No. 2) The most prevalent belief in Asian religions- including New Ageism-is that nature, or the universe, or everything, is an all-encompassing immanent God. Reality is mystical, spiritual forces underlie everything, time and space are largely illusory. Man is inside the circle of reality but is an insignificant part of the whole. His role is to relate harmoniously to nature and to the universe. This is less by doctrine and more by technique.
The opposite invites misfortune,instead of earning merit.Suffering comes from desire.In this belief system, man is considered basically good. Right and wrong, good and bad ,good spirits and bad spirits are not opposed to each other but are complementary parts of the whole and so balance each other. Good spirits must be worshiped, evil spirits must be placated.Sin upsets the harmony, leading to loss of face. History goes in cycles. There was no beginning.The Goal is to escape life through various “incarnations”.-” Creation Magazine “Vol. 29,No.3, 2007.
No. 3)Islam – Introduced about 610 years after Christianity. The prophet was familiar with both the Jewish OT and the Christian NT. The author has copied and twisted many stories of the bible, such as Abraham stopped from sacrificing his son Ishmael, not Isaac. It is a counterfeit. The Truth of Genesis ,Ch.16: 12 -written about 1400BC,-accurately describes these sons of Ishmael today. The basic theme of the religion is “to submit ” to their god. This is achieved by laws and customs,including a status hierarchy of genders; women inferior.( In this it is remarkably similar to Jewish beliefs in their laws and customs)
“Man is not inherently sinful and in need of salvation, but “he is born weak and forgetful and in need of instruction.” ” If there is no image of God “-for man to identify with -“ and there is no fall, then there is no need for a savior,only the need for guidance.”- their god says- paraphrased- “carry your own burdens, don’t come to me”.- Creation Magazine Vol. 35,No.2 2013.
Where is the love??it is in the head ! from repeating prayers 5 times daily! This attitude or mind-set originates from the desert, -the wilderness. What mercy or compassion does a desert have? The desert was where Jesus was first led to by the enemy when first baptized! This is his home with sun, sand ,snakes, lizards and scorpions (The snake’s hissing “sss” sound is even prevalent in their religion’s name).A previous post ‘inheritance” (20/10/14) shows this religion “is not of the promise”like Isaac was. It does not have any heavenly divine origin at all; but as its anti- christian and anti Semitic content reveals, it is a biased human doctrine and level.
No 4) The fancy Western religions (of Mormons and jw’s) seem to have all the one common theme, the rejection of the full deity of Jesus with God the Father. This is similar to the preceding faith. There are 2 or 3 verses in the bible that say in effect that God (the father) is greater than Jesus,- but this is part of the plan of God! The position of Jesus is like a father giving to his son the whole business to run while He sits comfortably until Jesus has got everything under Him; then He turns to present everything to God His father- under Him ,even Jesus. So that there is one head. It is God the Father’s plan and purpose to do it this way, as plainly said in the bible, as in 1 Cor15:24-28 and emphasized in Eph.1:21.
They also “rob” the Work of the Cross, which is in-forgivable.
But a rebellion of the spirit is plainly expressed in the Word ; Acts 7:51,2″ You brood of vipers! You always forget the Holy Spirit!” But their rebellion of the heart will cost them everything at the end!. ” He who does not have the Son does not have the father!”-1John 2:23!
But we are talking about Christ! – The Hope and Savior of the World !!
It is pain-full to see , all over the world, so many of God’s children ( who are all made in His image) being led astray by foreign Gods. As we are now becoming one “global village” ignorance is not a luxury anymore and a spiritual war is raging. This is from the “modern” political creed of ” Democratic human rights” rubbing against other politicized religions” or theocracies.
We need one God- The Spiritual Supremacy of Christ, the Truth . But for those who do not know the Lord – they do have a second chance at the “White Throne Judgement”, in the Book of Revelation Ch.20: 11-12.. What they all need is something so basic yet so hard to do- just love, mercy, forgiveness and a job.-Under Christs’ rule there would be a job for everyone,(” he who does not work should not eat” 2 Thes.3:10) People “in His image”( Gen1:27) come first with Him.
The enemy is working over-time now as he knows his time is short and Jesus is coming soon. But The Truth Is the enemy is an impostor, “an illegal”, beaten already at the Cross.
It is not a struggle of ” power ” that we have now, but a struggle of ” Truth “!
Jesus is risen! There are millions of “born again”, “Spirit- filled” believers all around the world, all according to God the Father’s plan of ” loving His Children”. We have the victory! We are in the winner’s circle! Praise the Lord!!
There will be more to come on this general subject if you are interested. Nice comments are, ahh – read. Thanks for reading.I hope you learn something and appreciate the LORD even more! All we need is LOVE!, and God is Love!!
Another Fact proving the Supremacy of Jesus in todays now- tangled , fragmented , world is God’s Golden, Universal Law- ” Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. ” Simple action words – not theory .
1) NIV Study Bible – K. Barker ,Zondervan Publishing 1985
2)Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary-C. Brand, Hollman Bible publishers, Nashville,2003
2)Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible- F. Dake,Bookmark Publishing, Dallas, 2010.