” Thanks – giving ” – ” giving Thanks ” – what a blessing we have !

“Thanksgiving” -or “giving thanks to the Lord” -Is a healthy, “over-coming” injection of powerful brain  “dopamine” chemicals  into our  nervous system.(as described in another post”A New Heart-20/01/15) When  we give “thanks – giving” to the  Lord – depressing anxieties  are over-ridden! There-fore Thanks-giving -or giving thanks to the lord is another proof of the scientific benefits of the bible. “Being in an attitude of thanks-giving,” or  “giving thanks” we forget this world’s problems as a believer who is united in the victorious, Resurrected Lord. We are confessing and re-living this spirit of freedom and joy now. Now by giving thanks in all circumstances we have this extra strength to resist the bad news of the enemy and keep going until the end of  our race.

This  is  stated  in 1 Cor: 10: 16  with a  qualifying  intro in v ; 15  ” I  speak  to sensible  people” ( only sensible  people will  read  this  blog – Amen?!) ” Judge for your-  selves what I  say.v:16 Is not the cup of  thanksgiving for which  we  give thanks ;  a participation  in the blood of Christ ? ..”

We  show that we  are  participating  in  the  sacrifice  and  resurrection  power of  the  Lord  Jesus  when we  confess  ( and  remember ; ”  what  we  confess  –  we  possess !”  )  out- loud  if  possible ,  and  with  power  and  conviction – ” thank –  you  Jesus  .”  This  is when  over – coming  the dark  forces  of  ”  the enemy ”  –  of  whom  Jesus  spoke in the  Lord ‘ s  Prayer .

We  are  thanking  the  Lord  for  His  Grace and for  our  salvation  which  He  has  poured  out  for  us , undeserved  as  it  is .  We  are  thanking  Jesus  for  the  necessary  sin  sacrifice for  us  on  the  cross.  2 Cor. 5: 21 ”  God  made  Him  who  knew  no  sin  to  become  a  sin  offering  for  us  so  that in  Him we  might  know ( and become reconciled to )  the  righteousness  of  God. ”

We  have  this  assurance   from  His  victory  purchased  already for  us on  the cross . Heb. 10 ;19 ” there-fore  brothers  and  sisters ,  since we  have confidence  to  enter  the  Most  Holy  Place ( the nearest ,  Most  Sacred  relation – ship ) by  the  blood  of   Jesus , – ( our  bodies  are  temples  of the Holy  Spirit  –  Amen  ? – ” ..God  in us  and  we  in  Him . ”  1 Jn. 4 : 15 ) –  by  a  new  and  living way ..let  us  draw  near  to  God  with  a  sincere  heart  in  full  assurance  of  faith. ”   Thanks be to Jesus !

We  can  give  thanks  to  the  Lord  because  we  know  that  – Ps 100 ; 3  ”  Know  that  the  Lord is  God ;  It  is  He  who made us and we  are  His. ”  Or  – 1 Cor : 6 : 19, 20 : “..You  are  not  your  own ;  You were  bought  at  a  price .  There fore  honor  God ..”  Honoring  includes  giving  Him  thanks .

We are also  humbling  our- selves  ;  acknowledging  that  God  is  our  savior  and  bowing  our  spiritual knee  to  Him  .  This  is  exercising  ”  our  renewed  mind ” in  advance of  His  second  coming .  Isaiah 45 ; 23; Phil 2 ; 10 ;  ”  when  every  Knee  will  bow ”  We  become  part  of  the  heavenly  host of worshipers  now .

In  this  new   attitude  of   humility  we  are  doing  spiritual  warfare .

The  devil  likes  to  accuse ,  attack  and  defeat  individuals  and  humanity   because  we  are  all wonderfully  made  in  the  image  of  God .  So  in  acknowledging  and  thanking  God  for  His  goodness ,  by  the  same  power  in  us  it  is  easy  to  smile at  and /or  encourage  people  we  meet and  build  them up .  We  are  combating  the  evil  one  by  spreading  our  over  – flow of   God’ s  love into  the  world .  It can  easily  make  their  day !  You  will  be  blessed  for  it  as  well. (  and  it  doesn’t  cost  you  anything ). John 4 : 29  ”  Don’ t  speak  any  un  –  wholesome  words  ,  but  only  what  builds  people  up  according to  their  needs..”. What  modern  motivational  ” gems ”  Gods’  Word  contains !

Rev. 12 : 10 “..Now has come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God , and the authority of His Christ. For the accuser of our brothers ..has been hurled down.” v 11 ”  They ( should be -” we ”  ) overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their ( our )  testimony.., (  ie ”  We give thanks and praise To you, Jesus ” ) The deceit of the devil – ” who has led the whole world astray ” ; Rev. 12 : 9 . –  include  ” ( selfie ” )-  pride  , vanity and  independence , ( ” I’ ll do it my way ! ” ) .  Instead of living a selfish  life alone  , we live a selfless life in communion with the Lord .

The importance of  ”  giving  thanks ‘  is  found in  scripture ,  such as in  2 Cor 5: 21 …so  that the  grace that  is  reaching  more  and  more  people  may  cause thanksgiving  to  overflow  for  the  glory of   God . ”  We  are as  a  living  testament  to  God’s  presence  or ”  kingdom”  on  earth  when  we publicly and privately  give  thanks  to  God . We  are as  children  of  light  chasing  the  shadows  of darkness  when we  speak  His  name  with  gratitude  and  power .

Doesn’t Paul say in 2 Cor. 6: 2″ fellow workers .. I tell you , now is the time of God’s favor , now is the day  of His salvation.  The book of Hebrews 13: 5 says ” I will never leave you nor forsake you ”  These and many more verses are words of assurance for us – His Children . ” Praise the Lord : and again I say Praise the Lord !! ”

In return ,  He only asks of  us to acknowledge Him as in Psalm 116: 17 ” I will give sacrifices of thanksgiving , and will call upon the name of the Lord.” Also Col 1:11 .. joyfully give  thanks to God the Father , who has qualified us  to share in the wonderful inheritance of the saints , in the kingdom of light “.

Jesus  showed the importance of   giving  thanks’  to  God for  everything ,  when  He  Him – self  gave thanks  to  God  His  father  as  an  example  for  us  to  follow .  In  Mark 14: 23 ” He  took  a cup of wine and  gave  thanks  to  God  for  it “.  There are at  least 10 other  incidents  of  Jesus  doing this ; as with  giving  thanks  for  the  seven  loaves  of  bread  and the few fish  in Mathew 15: 36 .

Do  we  fall  short  in  the  expectations  or  measurement  in  the  Lord?

Don  Gossett   in  His  book  ”  Dynamite  In  Praise ”  Chpt. 7 ,  says  ”  We  should  have  an  ”  attitude of Gratitude  ” .  In Rom 1: 21  ”  because  when  they  knew  God  they  did  not  glorify  Him ,  nor  were they  thankful ,  they  became  vain. .their  foolish hearts were darkened . ” Ingratitude  extinguishes the  light of  God  in  our  heart. ”

Sarcasm  and  cynicism  become  destructive ,  illegal  occupiers  in  our  hearts  and  minds.  We  must appropriate ;  then  apply – our victory of  Jesus  for us –  daily in  our lives .  This is by sacrifices of  praise and  worship , even  10  times  every  day .  You will  find ”  resurrection  life ”  in  your  day the  more  you  practice  it !

If  you  are  tired  and  dis- heartened  – ” Lighten up ! ”  ”  Persevere  and  strive  toward  the  prize.. don’t  look  back! !  Remember ” no trial  has  seized you except what is common to  man . But God is faithful , He will  not  let  you  be tested  beyond what you  can  bear ” – 1 Cor 10:13 .  Thank  God ! Thank  God !  Get in  the ”  Champions  corner  ”  and  share  His victory  in  your  daily  struggles and  you  will  not  be  defeated !

Psalm 100  says  ”  Shout  for  Joy to  the  Lord ,  all   the  earth  ( including us) Worship  the  Lord with  Gladness V: 4 ”   Enter  His  gates  with  thanksgiving  and  enter  His  courts  with  praise. Give  thanks  to  Him  and  praise  His  name...his faithfulness continues through all generations .” Even to us- you and me- now!

This is further qualified by 1 Thess . 5:16″ Be  joyful always ; pray  continually ; Give Thanks  in all circumstances (even  being burnt at the  stake -as  many martyrs did)– why ?-” For  this  is the  will  of  God in Christ Jesus concerning  you “.

It  can’t  be  said  any  more  clearer  than  this .

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