The ” deceiver ” was busy in the print media this Friday , Oct. 30.
Also I will quickly apologize for a some – what late post . Work pressures kept me away. I will get my main post off in a day or two . Thank you for visiting .
Spiritual war – fare is the main subject here . Are you ready for the truth ?? This post will introduce a new dimension of the Christians’ walk with Jesus to ” baby believers ” . Also even Jesus warns us against being tempted by the devil in the Lords Prayer in Math. 6 : 13…but deliver us from the evil one .”
In ” The Week – End Australian ” in the social section ( not business or sports ) , the head – line caught my eye, ” we are getting smarter “ . I was about to finish the paper here , but I continued to read the close print of the article at the bottom of the page because this was a subject I touched upon in 2 previous blogs . ” ex – Vindication Stone Henge “.
It turns out that after a few lines the paper admits that the countries getting smarter than their parents were those of developing countries . But children of western countries were becoming less intelligent than their predecessors . This was , the paper said , because ” scientists ” said that we are eating less of a nutrient than our fore- fathers ate . Consequently our brain is less effective . We are also , it could be argued , getting less Vitamin D from the sun and less natural foods as well which impair the function of our bodily systems .
Christians believe the Bible is Inspired by God and is completely true . We believers also have the same inspiration from God in – side us , IE the Holy Spirit . He allows us to see daily schemes against God and to feel a righteous anger – His anger !
Our main protest here is the fact that human intelligence was being interpreted as ” evolving ” from less developed nations .
This is a direct attack on God from the ” evolutionary ” camp who state that life did not come from the wonderful work of a Creators’ hand and will , but by ” evolution ” . As the last 2 blogs show God has given ” people ” – those ” made In His Image ” the same great intelligence from the very beginning of time . The latest archeological and historical records from the last 100 years , which reveal amazing cultures from beyond 3000 BC , prove this .
A secondary point of protest is ” Integrity ” ( or ” Truth ” ) – remember that word ? The media don’t mention it anymore . Remember the term ” investigative journalists ” ? School lessons taught that ” freedom of the press ” kept our democracy functioning . A lack of media competition has erased this public scrutiny .
Why didn’t the press use the correct heading ” we are getting dumber ” for its readers who are in the western countries ?
The answer is because of the reasons I have posted about in the last 2 blogs . It is socially un – acceptable for society to think that our predecessors were more intelligent than we are . . This starts to attack the vanity of man and its foundation of the evolution theory . Hence they use a deceptive title or head – line which most people , even if they see it at the bottom of the page , will only skim over and remain re – assured .
Mean – while because of this prevailing attitude ( spirit ? Yes ! ) the standards of our schools slips further due to less emphasis on the 3 ” R ” s and slack discipline / respect . ( This is the ” new age movement ‘ where ” understanding ” and not ” facts ” are important . It pervades the political parties of the ” left ” and the ” greens ” . Then we have ” The New World Order ” of the conservative right where the Corporation and ” Big Brother ” rule . )
A part of spiritual war – fare is distinguishing any – thing un – true or deceitful which lifts – up and worships the vanity of imperfect man in contrast to the awesome handiwork of God and Christ – ” …His eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen so that man is with – out excuse ” . Rom, 1 ; 20.
One such falsehood is the term ” scientists ” which is an over – worked term used to give ” creditability ” to atheists . That term used to referred to highly – intelligent , dedicated men pursuing their rigorous work using the ” scientific method of trial and observation . ” Now to day any average person who can read reports and come to an acceptable conclusion – no maths or science here !! – can be called a ” scientist “ . They love the respect this name gives them from the public .
For example there is ” environmental scientist ” . Here they ” observe / record ” a ” trial ” of a living thing over time – animal , marine or plant – and make an observation / conclusion acceptable to their world – view . Then most , using the power of the name ” scientist ” make in – accurate assumptions of Gods Creation from an anti – God , ” evolutionary ” attitude .
What happened to that ” new species ‘ of a smaller man found in caves of Indonesia a few years ago ?- Only silence ; there was only one or two skulls and bones found ; and other scientists conclude they could be children . ( Creation . com ) This was not mentioned in the popular press . But the main ” scientist ‘ did get his name in the TV news and scientific journals .
There is no evolutionary trail of any living thing found in the rock fossils in the earth . They are all ” perfect ” ( Gods’ signature ) – and completely formed , ie God is not in the business of making imperfect copies or ” duds “ . Museums all over the world attest to this miracle . There are no fossils with , for example , 2 legs and 2 half legs . ( creation . com ) All creation was made instantaneously perfect , including you and I , in conformity with Gods’ will and purpose . The fossil record proves this .
But we as Christians love Gods’ Creation. ” In Him all things are held together ” Col 2 : 16 ” The whole earth is filled with your glory …All the heavens shout your praise .. “ Ps 19 : 1 .
The integrity of God and His Word , and Jesus ” the author of our faith ” , makes martyrs in the present and the past . It is a struggle with an ” accuser , deceiver and thief ” – Rev. 12 : 9 ff – who knows his time is coming to an end . Jesus will come again and restore all things including us to Himself . Until that time we must be vigilant against all the schemes and attacks of the enemy . Remember to “Test every spirit”and “to put on the full armour of God.” Gal.5:22