The fight for Truth in your News today was started many ages ago. It is now nearing the “pointed end” when enemy forces against Jesus and “love”(For God is Love) will finally fight their last battle, and be destroyed.The fight for Truth in today’s News , where the enemy is making their small victories, was revealed to us generations ago, first through Moses in the desert. The fight for Truth in your News In These Times must remind us that -“The Battle belongs to The Lord. “ 2 Chron.20:15, 1 Sam. 7:47.
“The Signs Of The Times” (What a week or two!)
1) For the First Time an American citizen has been jailed for standing up for her Christian beliefs in her own country! For the First Time the basic principle of the American constitution of the ” Separation Of Powers ” of Church And State was violated !
And – just as horrendous- no news head-line or protest was seen or heard!Such is the broad “Spirit of Babylon” in today’s “hedonistic” western society. The lady did not want to sign a wedding license between two “men” for the “now legitimate” event in Kentucky. The quick “green” trip away by the President to an Eskimo tribe in Alaska probably distracted the main popular press at that coincidental time. Where was the Truth ? On holiday ?
She was arrested in the city council office and escorted away to jail. This police action was prohibited against “Gay and Lesbians” decades ago! The “tide has turned”, and with it the flotsam. So the US has become like “Sodom and Gomorrah”. So shall it be judged. The pastors of churches are next in line! We wrote about this before.(please see former posts “Jesus and Truth in Spiritual Warfare’)
2) The Next Head-line is : – As in Daniel 12:4 “But Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll ‘until the time of the end’. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.” – Our News reports are reporting hourly on this tragedy of the immigrant migration through Europe. This comes from the asylum seekers ( spiritual) desperation and unhappiness with their own homes and their desire to travel for a better life else-where. Because of the mass exodus and inadequate plans many of them , with children, make fruitless journeys “here and there”, suffering from hunger and the weather.
There are three expressed view-points on this tragedy. 1) Many are becoming Christian, realizing the failure of their own religion. But some -or most- might only do this in order to force the German authorities to keep them , because their conversion will incur the death penalty if they are sent back 2) There could be many I.S murderers among the flood of refugees. The next few months or years will see if this is a peaceful invasion by them for the re-establishment of the caliphate in Europe. 3) Or this might be where they remain un converted but then demand more Mosques, etc. The tourist trade is going to be heavily affected by this influx of migrants.
This mass migration is an historic event ; many like my-self can recognize it as a “sign of the times”. The many asylum seekers have been told repeatedly by their “pharisees” that their God is sending them to emigrate to other countries only to evangelize and convert the populations there. They are part of a plan to “reconquer the West” and they have every right to do this! (this cleverly disguises the fact they are moving to find a better ‘life’).
This agrees with Winston Churchill’s observation – that their book is similar to Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” or “my struggle.”
Hitler’s book was based on racial superiority of the “Aryan Germanic Race” , and the suppression of inferior races, by force if necessary. Now another totalitarian and authoritarian philosophy or world-view has made the head-lines again .
It shouts “religious superiority” this time. It doesn’t have the ‘ steel jack-boots and SS black-shirt uniforms of the former enemy; It is even more sinister. It calls the killing of innocent people an un-declared “holy war” such as the N.Y. Sept. 11 attacks. They don’t have the strength of conviction for a declared war. It is a creed and philosophy which has been steadfastly against God and Jesus from its very beginning. It is part of the anti-Christ raising its head in these times.
It’s origin and character are accurately foretold in Genesis 16:11ff ” …His hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand against him…’. Academics put this scripture’s ‘birth’ at about 1400 BC by Moses during the Jews escape from Egypt in the desert.
This mass immigration is also a new form of Government coming un-invited into Europe. It is a political, militant , as well as a religious way of life . Followers must submit to these laws first before others. Included in this list of do’s and don’t’s are 1) don’t mix with non-believers as they are “like pigs”, 2) it is permissible to lie, cheat etc. if their own religion is advanced 3) violent attacks on people are tolerated if one feels religiously frustrated.
The West, among whom these now live , Deserve To Know what is in their ‘book’!!
The second half is known to be more militant than the first half. Where there are conflicting statements, such as “live in peace”, compared to “strike the enemy consistently”, the statement in the last half is considered the more ” authoritative one”.
‘Devilishly clever’ from when It appeared in 620 AD. Then ,peaceful Christian and Jewish “trading” populations were invaded with the sword. The minority “Coptic” Christians of Egypt are “the last ones standing “. ( see posts ‘ The Superiority of Jesus’, and “The Truth Is Still The Truth”)
3) What also is becoming more and more apparent is the possibility of a nuclear-armed Iran, as the main proponent in a future war of religion. According to the latest news bulletin The American President ,in order to get the peace plan signed, has agreed to give them money and ended the trade embargo. But the inspection tours are not as good or far- reaching as hoped, say the protesters out-side the white-house. If this is the Truth , then the ” Apocolyptic Truth is not far away.
The president is eager to leave a good legacy behind him . Congress is going to pass it anyway.
I would like to make the bold “prophecy” now that ” Mr. Obama will be the Chosen ante-Christ after his presidency , as he will be voted in by the Africans, Moslems and American (lefties) at the UN.
4) Another seismic event in the un-folding calendar of Christian History was the announcement by the Australian leader that his country would accept refugees from (only) the persecuted minorities in the refugee camps. This was because even if refugees go back to a peaceful home-land, these minorities are not welcome back.
Finally! it is now revealed how tragically Christians are persecuted ‘by all sides’ in these Arab countries of conflict.
There is no protection for them at home as their police ignore or evenassist the attackers. Many churches , many from the earliest days of Paul in the First Centuries of the Church, have been destroyed. Congregation members, some receiving threatening phone calls telling them to leave or their families will be killed, have fled and their churches closed.
Iraq, with more than 10,000 Christians before the war, and after the fall of their dictator Saddam Hussein, and millions in aid to their corrupt Government- has only a few Christians remaining in the country.( Don’t forget – the vast majority of killing and bombing in Iraq was done by “Al-Qaeda’ “toe-rags” who “car-bombed” their own people after the Iraq army collapsed in the first day. The Allies ‘drove in , then had to protect the public for years after-wards.)
Christians have to pay a special tax just to live in all Arab countries. Girls are kidnapped, forced to convert, and to marry older men on a regular basis. This is reported especially in Egypt and Pakistan. It is useless to go to the police. Men, especially pastors and evangelists – often filled powerfully with the Holy Spirit- are murdered or jailed. Christian homes are burnt down and they face a life-time of discrimination. They are threatened, jailed, raped and are second class citizens .But many, especially large numbers as in Iran – ” in these times “- have seen visions of Jesus and remain personally ‘called’, despite their ordeal.
Please see “” for more info. They have a free magazine with excellent teaching and the Truth you don’t find anywhere else. Donations are voluntary.
5) Another Sign of The Times In This Week in the news was yet another species of us humans found evolving in Africa!
A lot of this discovery was of “artists impressions”- (different artists have different “impressions”. This has been proven by “” when they sent the same skull remains to three different qualified science/artists”. The result was three different impressions!)
This news report was dramatically introduced with “girl” scientists crawling dramatically through tight, dark under-ground tunnels with miner’s lights to a “burial ground”. This had 15 skeletal remains of both man and ape-like skeletons ( who buried who?) The group of men -obviously ‘too big’ for the tight spaces below- who were watching them from above through cameras, lights and monitors, was particularly “white knuckle stuff “!
The only example of a brain was some sorry remains held in the leaders hand the size of a small fist, yet from this was shown (around the world) a picture drawn of the full skull containing this small brain in one corner. Where the amount for the empty space from the brain to the skulls outline came from was not worth describing, apparently. We are told it had a small brain but could walk up-right. How if it had a small brain? But it is a neat ” combo” for ape and man. There are no details, for example of their age or cause of death.(see post “discovering the mysteries of creation”)
It is more likely the remains of an animal’ s den which dragged in and ate the remains of its victims, including apes,children and small people (about 5 feet tall was one). If it was so hard for the “scientists” to crawl to it would be too small for anything else and too dark except for night vision predators.
But the discovery team was elated, and was showed with happy Government ministers, no doubt thinking how much money this “discovery” will bring to their tourist trade.
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and His divine nature- have been clearly seen, and been understood from what has been made, so that people are with-out excuse.For even though they knew God they did not honor Him as God or give thanks , but they became futile in their speculations and their foolish heart was darkened. Rom.1:20
For us now! – “Wake up ,o sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ will shine upon you. Eph.5:14 “Do this , knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we first believed. The night is almost gone and the day is near. There-fore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.” Rom. 13:11-12
“There-fore keep alert! Do not allow your house to be broken into! For the son of man will come at a time when you do not expect Him.” Mth. 24:44
“See, I will create a new heaven and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered nor will they come to mind.” Isaiah 65:17
“How-ever, just as it is written, no eye has seen, no ear has heard , no human mind has ever conceived what God the father has prepared for those who love Him.!!1 Cor.2:9
So let us rejoice and be happy! For He has given us a new birth into a living hope through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. that our faith, of greater weight than Gold, will be proven genuine and will result in praise honor and glory when Jesus Christ is revealed.” 1 Peter 1:3ff
He is coming soon! So “lean on Him”! Praise the Lord !!