There are descriptive terms describing our relation – ship with God .
There is atheism which states there is no God . Then there is ” agnosticism ” which rejects any notion or idea of God .
There is ” deism ” which states that there is a God who started things off , but He is un – concerned and distant from His creation , including us .
*** This could describe the practice of the ” traditional ” churches which coldly read the Word amidst their glittering retinue of the service . They have exchanged their divine power of the Word for the worldly symbols of office . The ” pharisaic ” spirit which killed Jesus the living word , is alive and well .
But Gods’ manual to us is clear . God loves us so much that not only is He going to give Abraham and his descendents including us a promised land or inheritance , but like a friend He wanted originally to live with us as well !
This is similar to the friendly relationship of God with His chosen people in Eden before the ” fall ” . This is His ” ideal state of perfection for our relation – ship with Him and with each other .
This is pictured in Ex. 25 : 8 ” tell them to make a sanctuary ( or a separated , holy place ) for me , and I will dwell among them . ” It was to be made after the pattern showed to Moses while he was on Mount Sinai with God for forty days and nights . It was very ornate and made to exact measurements . Ex . 35 : 4 ff
” And I will dwell among them “ is repeated in the N C in John I : 1 4 ., where ” the word became flesh and made His dwelling among us …who came from the father full of grace and truth “.
“ The Living Bible Encyclopedia “ ( H S Stuttman Co Inc. ) , under ” Tabernacle ” states ” …Under the dynamic spiritual leadership of Moses the children of Israel came to worship a cosmic deity whose virility contrasted sharply with the capricious decadent gods of ancient near – eastern religions . ” He desired to enter this special spiritual relationship with Israel as a means of fulfilling His desire for self – expression in the world , in fellow – ship with man which had been thwarted by satin in Eden .
Further , it is stated , ” tent – shrines were by no means un – known in the ancient world . An early writer ( c 700 BC ) spoke of a primitive Phoenician structure which was apparently placed on a cart and pulled by oxen . In pre – islamic times the ” qubbah ” or miniature red – leather domed tent was used for carrying the Idols of the tribe . “
Heb . 8 : 5 , 10 , 1 ; describes the old tabernacle as a poor imitation of the one in heaven . This compares the earthly ministry of Jesus to his divine work now .
The modern tent of today is folded and rolled into a convenient size for carrying to another campsite . Instead of light smooth vinyl / plastic , the 11 walls of the tent over the alter were of goat – hair skins . The covering over the tent was of Ram skins dyed red and then a covering of skins of sea – cows ( dugons ). That was tough times for tough people . There was also instructions to build the chest or ” ark ” to carry the stone tablets of the law in ( Ex 25 : 16 ) , complete with ” loops ” for the poles by which it was to be carried .
In Ex. 33 : 7 ff At ” the tent of meeting ” , Moses would leave the camp and set up a tent out – -side in order to be alone with God . God sent a pillar of cloud to come down and stand at the door of the tent while He talked with Moses . The people saw this and worshiped God at the door of their own tent during this time .
Because of the nomadic nature of their situation the Israelite s needed a central locality such as the tabernacle to worship God until the permanent structure of the temple was built according to divine measurements again .
in Ex. 32 : 10 after the people rebelled and made the golden calf God said to Moses ” Now leave me alone so my anger can burn against them and that I can destroy them ” .
But Moses ” changes the mind of God ” by persuading God to forgive the Israelite s as originally God had made a promise to make all of them ” a great nation ” . God allowed Him -self ” to change His own mind ” after having being persuaded by Moses . He shows him – self not to be a proud King but more a humble human being !
This is further confirmed in Prov 3 : 5 ** …for I am gentle and light – hearted in nature . “
Ex. 24 : 11 – After Moses had received Gods’ Covenant promise of Victory and territory , he , Aron and 70 elders of Israel went part – way up Mt . Sinai ” But God did not raise His hand against the leaders of the Israelite and they saw God ( not His full glory ) , and they ate and drank . ” This introduces the partaking of the Lord ‘ s communion , which we continue today .
In keeping with God’s un – folding plan for us , the Lord said to David to make a magnificent temple for Him after David had taken the tabernacle from Gideon to Jerusalem . But because of David’s sin his son Solomon would make it
The immaculate conception – Luke 1 : 31 , from the Holy Spirit through the virgin was conceived ; purposely named Immanuel ( ” God is with us ” – Isiah 7 : 14 – prophesied 700 years earlier ) ” the Word ” became flesh and lived with us . Our savior Jesus was born . ( ” the exact representation of His glory on earth “, ” when you see me you see the father ” – John 14 : 9 ) .
Jesus says in 3 days He will destroy the temple – Math. 24 ; 2 . While He was referring to His own body, the temple it- self had failed Gods’ purpose ; to have the Israelite s’ honor Him and obey His commandments . Once again people sinned in His presence .
After Jesus rises to sit by His father as an intercessor for us His people , John 14 : 26 introduces the Holy Spirit as our Councillor ” in His name ” ( ie representing Him ) . ” I will send another one in my name , and He will tell you all things and He will remind you what I have said ” .
This is what is meant by The New Covenant of ” grace ‘ being superior to the Old Covenant Law because the law made nothing perfect but only brought condemnation and death . Jesus and His Resurrection was the guarantee of New Life in the New Covenant.
Also included is the OT prophecy’s of Jer. 33 ; 31 ” I will write my law on their hearts and in their minds “; ” not on stone tablets but on hearts of flesh .”
John 14 : 20 says ” I am in you and you are in me and I am in my father ” . We gentiles were once far – off but now we have been brought near . Isa. 49 : 22 .
We have the inner conviction and company of the Holy Spirit in us , in continual dialogue with Jesus who is our intercessor between us and God the Father . We have been sanctified or set apart to God , and justified ( judged ” not guilty ” by God in His heavenly court . )
” The word – the Logos – is abiding in us . John. 15 : 7 . ” Christ in us , the hope of glory .” Col 1 : 27
Where is the current tabernacle or the Temple of God today ? Is it the decaying cathedrals of Europe? Does God need stone buildings for His Presence ??
” Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit . We are the living stones that God is using to ” Build His Church with Christ the cornerstone . “ Zech . 10 ; 4 ( 530 B C ) ; Eph . 2 : 20 – Amen !
We have not just been brought near to God , but God has brought us in to Christ and Christ into us !
And in completion , because Jesus is in God the Father and we are in Jesus , as stated above , we can also be included into God the Father , now.
Eph 1 : 4 ” He has blessed us ( past tense ) with all spiritual blessings in heaven “..God is not limited as we are ! “He knows the end from the beginning . ” He – is – the beginning and the end.”
All Gods’ ways are perfect . ” ! Amen .