The Supremacy of Christ – The Truth In Today’s News.

The Supremacy of Christ, or – Christ is Supreme and Sovereign in everything -is evident from the very beginning of time to the very end. We in the supremely modern nations where Christ is Supreme are blessed – even with only a remnant of a legislated , Christian based society.

Most of us have done nothing to deserve this supreme citizenship. It is not perfect- nothing of  corrupt human endeavor is. There are still inter-racial strife and poverty. But the majority middle-class are  comparatively comfortable and free.

“One half of the world is dying of starvation and the other half is dieting” is the way the stark truth of the situation has been described.

Do you think The Lord ,who says many times in the OT that He is faithful, that He will give us “a promised land”, who will bless and keep the descendents of Abraham, and never leave us” will allow His Church, His body,His children ,to live in poverty and defeat through-out His plan and process of redemption.Where will the doctor come from to heal the sick? Mth9:12

The Supremacy of Christ is one of the main tenets of Christianity. Beginning with Genesis 1;26 where God  says ” let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over…” complete to Gen1: 30 where God gives man-kind dominion over all His creation of flora,fauna,fish and birds….and it was so” The fall of man only made our toil harder.

Then there is the “resurrected” factor Eph1: 20-22..He seated Him at His right hand 21) far above all rule and authority,power and dominion and every title that can be given,not only in the present age but in the one to come.And God placed all things under His feet, and appointed Him head over everything for the church.”

There is also strong verses of His Supremacy in Col.1:16 to 1:18 finishing-“…so that in everything He might have the supremacy.”This is also repeated in Phil.2:9-11 and 1Peter3:22…-with angels,authorities and powers in submission to Him.”

This is A Great Age of Revelation today , with scriptural prophecy still being fulfilled . With our advanced technology, developed in peaceful Christian nations – we humans are able to probe  new limits to see more of God’s creation now , than what has ever been seen up to this time.

Ps.19:1 ” The heavens declare the Glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands…v2/ Day after day they pour out speech…”.  With the most powerful telescopes ever imagined and the finest audio sensory equipment ever developed scientists are finding new discoveries and new stars(but in Gen:15:5, God said to Abraham, “look up at the stars and count them, if indeed you can count them”. ) They are also scanning all possible frequencies, hoping to detect an “intelligent” radio signal from amidst the sound of static pouring in from the universe.

Only the author of the scriptures knew of the new stars now emerging through our powerful telescopes. But through-out history the brightest scientists such as Plato and Galileo have, in their day, confidently counted  the number of the stars above them but they had no idea of the new stars that are being found today. As the Lord said,some four thousand years ago – “if indeed you can count them”. Also only He could have heard the “heavenly speech “that teams of scientists are straining to decipher now. That was written about 900 BC.

There is the two arenas of  conflict-” The heavens” and the earth – where God proves His Supremacy over a would be enemy.

I apologize but because of time and space limits here we First will look at some “power struggles” here on earth. We will do “Spiritual warfare in the heavens” in about 3 or 4 days time. I hope you will be able to join us.

As examples of power struggles on earth there is the startling difference between “western Europe” and the former atheist and godless regimes of Eastern Europe,even today. The struggle in the Ukraine is the flash point where the two political doctrines meet, personal freedom, or centralized control. The further East one goes, into the Balkan and Caucuses regions where the Word of God is still hidden,ridiculed or banned by many Governments, the greater is the poverty, ignorance and injustice of the people- the marks of “the enemy”.

The social policies of child-care, paid parental leave, domestic violence and child protection awareness are a world away from the Government policies and attitudes of the former atheist countries. The men are still proud of their heavy drinking and their “macho” temper- again the sign of the enemy.

To a lesser evil is the characteristics of the French. They are known for their arrogance,vanity,passion and “accepted ” adulterous affairs. In the conflict of the reformation between Catholics and Protestants in the early 16th century the heinous massacre of St. Bartholomew under the lead of the of Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris took place.This is where through treachery thousands of Protestants- who believed the truth of scripture rather than the Church of Rome-were killed. The Protestant Reformation was stopped in France and the hard -hearted Catholic Church won , to this day. The Pope has never apologized for this infamy.

Another observation is that one can imagine the public outcry if the English PM or the American leader had affairs like the French Presidents do.- “be faithful in small things and you will be faithful in large things”-Luke 16:10.

The French Revolutionary and humanistic culture manifested it-self in proudly atheistic Napoleon .He bankrupted the nation’s coffers through his wars in Europe and by building the magnificent monuments to his exploits which we see today in Paris.Also to help pay for his wars Napoleon sold ” the Louisiana Purchase” of the Mississippi valley to the young American Government. One can only sympathize for the many French settlers who saw their hard work for a new French future vanish before their eyes. New Orleans was their main city.

But this transaction contributed to the strong unity of the US and its future world power for freedom and prosperity.( again research thanks to “”)

Across the channel in Protestant England a unified government fought off two superior invasion fleets ,the Catholic Spanish Armada and Napoleon’s – both thanks to great leaders of  bowls-playing Drake and the deeply Protestant Nelson- and the weather.

Yes God does control the weather. Even the beaches of Dunkirk and the small fishing boats crossing the channel to rescue the British Army were protected from Nazi planes by the storm clouds, while the seas were flat and calm. For this miracle of WW2 the churches were said to be full the next Sunday.

Then there is the New World of ” the Americas”. This is the paralleled fulfillment of God’s OT promise of granting land  to His people Israel after crossing a symbolic “cleansing,re-newing,Baptizing body of water “-this time The Atlantic Ocean. This promise was surely a blessing and a motivating factor for the founding fathers who loved the Word..To the south in the Catholic Church where the “Word of God” has been “side-lined” according to man’s vanity, again poverty and ignorance is the result.Only in the North American countries of Canada and the US where the bible is the supreme canon of religion is there both prosperity and freedom. America was first pioneered and settled by persecuted Protestants who loved the Word of God. This was not a coincidence!

A moslem Admiral from China is said to be the first of the New World discoverers in a book “1421” by G. Menzies. Because of “internal strife” the Chinese government closed its doors to the west shortly  after this expedition, with no further voyages and they erased all official records. God -“Yahweh” – wanted only His children to inherit the new land.

From the US has come the saving grace  of  world freedom as exampled in the first and second world wars. For more research go to “Tomorrows”

Another stark example of prosperity and freedom inherited with the Word is recent Chinese history after the second world war where the rebellious communists under Chairman Mao fought with the National government under Dr Sun Yat-sen. He was a Christian  from a Methodist school up-bringing. The nationalists were driven to the Island of Taiwan off the coast of China. Again there is the sign of crossing the water to the promised land.

There, in stark contrast to the communist and atheist “Red” Chinese – with calamitous rule under Chairman Mao,(who is reputed to have starved and killed the highest number of people in world history), the nationalist government slowly prospered to the modern nation it is today. A recent statistic said it had the highest import ratio of luxury goods from France per capita than any other country in the world.

This is only a small revelation of the ” handiwork and mystery”of God on earth “To be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment-to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head ,even Jesus.” Eph.1:10.

I apologize but due to the time and space limits mentioned above, the “Spiritual Warfare” in the heavens will be posted in the next 3 or 4 days.

I trust you will look at world events with “the mind of God” from faith , more than before . A previous post,” the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings” (20.06.14) will give more facts on the above subject.

It is obvious to everyone I am sure that “the mark of the beast”, the small  ‘s’ guy , is a stark lack of  love and compassion in the spirits, hearts and environment of people. This proves the Truth “God is love”– and “Make God’s love complete by loving others”.1John4:8,9. And the only way to do this was said by Jeremiah approx. 600 BC.-” I will put  a new heart in them”. This can only come with The Holy Spirit and the “Word”. So be Supremely encouraged ! We have the Supreme truth. But “the battle is the Lords!”1Sam.17:47, 2Chron.20:15. Praise the Lord!

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