” The Truth Of Our Inheritance ! ” – ” Who From ?! – How Much ?! “

The Truth Of Our Inheritance-where from? – and how much ?-is making it-self seen in present times. As children with a father The Truth Of Our Inheritance, who from?, how much? will be will be fully revealed, when His time is fulfilled.(eph.1;9-10) Our inheritance is “the Truth”-Jesus-as given to us, His creation -through love and patience to repair the broken relation-ship between us and Him-self.

In the Jewish  culture  the meaning  does not have to include the “death ” of some- one . But it is very important to keep ” The Truth of the inheritance ” in the family  line. This is why family genealogy is important in the OT. It is also why it is important to us as inheritors of the New Testament.

Jesus, in the genealogy’ of the generations given in the gospels,is shown to be of the line of Abraham, to Noah, finally to Joseph the “father” on earth of Jesus. The line went through Jesse , to make Isaiah 11:1-16(written approx. 790-720 BC)a fulfilled “messianic” prophecy.

The ” Promised Land ” of Canaan was    given by  God to His  children , the people  of Israel as an inheritance.  The land was theirs for – ever as long as they obeyed  Gods’  laws. Deut 4 : 21 ff ; 11: 8 ff ” Be careful to observe all the laws I am giving you today..You will be enticed to worship other Gods…The Lords’ anger will burn towards you…you will soon perish from the good land .” Also Jer 7 : 23 ” …Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my People…”.

But importantly , the people of Israel are in turn called by God to be ” His Inheritance “ . Deut 4 : 20 “..the Lord took you and brought you.. out of Egypt to be the people of  ”  His Inheritance “.  Also Jer 10 : 16 “…He is the maker of all things, including Israel the tribe of   His Inheritance …” Also Deut 32 : 9 ” For the Lords’ portion is His people : Jacob the lot of His Inheritance “.

This concept is broadened to include the gentiles of the NT ; Us!!

God Our Father worked out His earthly Plan through Abraham . But Abraham in turn  had children from two females of His family or clan.

So is” the truth of our inheritance” from Abraham, shared with the children of his other ” wife”  as well ?  This being Hagar his maid – servant.

Or – because his son is the oldest – does Hagars’ son have a prominent share ?

The answer is partly through the meaning that is hidden in the italic signs ( ” ) around the word ” wife”  above that gives the answer.

God the Father does not want ” second – best ” or ” second anything” when working out His divine plan for us on earth. What father would ?He is definitely Pro –  marriage . He wants only the Legally- Bound wife of Abraham to be mother or  progenitor of His inheritance.

In Gen; 17:15-16 ” God also said to Abraham,” as for Sarai  your wife you are no longer to call her Sarai ; her name will be  Sarah . I will bless her and will surely give you a son by her. I will bless her and she will be the mother of  nations;  kings of people will come from her.”

At this Abraham laughed to him – self  because of his old age and asked if Ishmaelcould live under His blessing. God heard and repeated His statement that Abraham would have a son from Sarah . Gen 17 : 19 ” ..and you will call him Isaac . I will establish my covenant with Him as an everlasting covenant for his descendents after him.”

The Lord also said that He would provide for Ishmael by making him the father of many nations as well, in Gen 17 : 20 and that they would be ” blessed “.

** This could explain why the Arab lands have  most  of the oil fields in the world . This  is the only natural resource they possess in export quantity. Like any blessing from the Lord it is then the responsibility of the blessed to use it wisely.

For the character of Ishmaels’ descendants today –  and biblical  truth – look at the similarity of the bad news on TV today  and Gen. 16 : 12 “….he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.”

In Gen 17 : 21 God repeats that ”  His covenant will be kept through Isaac whom Sarai will bear this time next year” .

This Promise of our inheritance, spoken to Abraham by God, ensures it is “from heaven, and Divinely given”. Not “from men.”

The terms of this contract  were the standard laws of this society at this time in history ( approx. 1900 BC )  This is revealed by the translation of the thousands of cuneiform clay tablets found in  the  cities of  Mari in Syria , buried under an  earthquake in 1796 BC – and Nuzi which is about 150 miles north of Bagdad  destroyed in the early 13 century BC. ” Most of them deal with the law ” ..” writes Dr. Bill Cooper . **

But ” What about me ?!  We hear you say!!  Our interest springs up from the name ” Jesus ,  Son Of God “ in our times of the New Testament ,( ” The Better covenant”  Heb. 8 : 6  states –  as explained in our blog ‘  Proclaim the Good News ! Not the Olde News!!-(17/Aug/14).

God is not only the inheritance of His People , but the inheritance of the individual as well , Ps. 16 : 5 ff, 73 : 26 ; 142 ; 5 …” I say , You are my refuge , my portion , in the land of the living…”.

In our N T times our inheritance comes through the work of Jesus who is the Heir and son – Mk 12: 7 ; Heb 1: 2 “ But in these last days He has spoken to us -You and me – by His son Whom He appointed  Heir of all things ,  and through Whom He made the universe. ”  This quietly  asserts the role and  authority of Jesus .

For gentile believers – sometimes called ” spiritual Israel “ . Eph. 2 : 11ff  states  ” remember that you Gentiles …called ” un – circumcised “..you were foreigners to the covenants of the promise … with – out God in the world… Butnow in Christ we have been brought near..He is our peace who made the two one .”  v 2 : 19 consequently we …are fellow citizens with God ‘s people and members of Gods’ house – hold .” ” Yes , Yes we share the inheritance !! “

Through  Christs’  redemptive work  believers are sons of God by adoption and co – heirs with Christ ( Rom 8 : 17 ; Gal 4 : 7 )

As a deposit and eternal  guarantee of our inheritance – Heb : 9 : 15 – Christ  is the mediator of a better covenant , that those who are called may receive the eternal inheritance.; now that He has died as a ransom …”  Eph 3 : 6. The inheritance of the Promised Land is now the spiritual Kingdom of God with all its blessings -Math. 25: 34 ” … Come ,  you who are blessed by my father .  Take your inheritance , the kingdom prepared  for you since the beginning of  the  world .”

But 1 Cor 6 : 9 warns ” the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God…idolaters , adulterers , thieves …as some of you were.  But now 1 Cor. 6 : 11 says ” That is what some of you were. But  you were washed  ,  you were sanctified  ,  you were justified in the name of Jesus Christ and the Spirit of God. “

The selected verses   attempt  to show ” the salvation through inheritance ” of the Christian N T theology –  for Us ! !

Eph 1: 4 ”  For He chose us in Him  before the creation of  the  world to be  holy and  blameless in His sight .  In love  He  predestined  us to be adopted  as  His sons through  Jesus Christ ,  in accordance with His pleasure  and will … v 7  ”  In  Him we have redemption thru His blood ,  the   forgiveness of  our sins,.. ” . 1 Peter 1 : 1  To God’s elect , strangers in  the world and scattered through – out ..(  Asia  Minor  )  who  have  been  chosen  according  to  the  foreknowledge  of  God  The Father…”. 1 Peter 2 : 9  ” But you are a chosen people , a royal priesthood , a  Holy nation , a people belonging to God that we may declare the praises of  Him who brought us out of darkness and into His wonderful light ” . Rom. 8 : 16 -17  ” The Spirit  testifies with our spirit we are His Children . Now if  we are children  then we are  heirs –  heirs with  God and co – heirs with Christ …in order that we may share in His Glory . ”

” Christ in us ., the hope of Glory !! “

This inheritance is wholly from the free un- deserved gift of Gods’ Grace.


”  The Authenticity Of the Book Of Genesis “   By Dr. Wm R Cooper .  Published by Creation Science Movement . England.

** on page 113 –  ” The Setting  Free of Hagar and Ishmael ” – Dr Cooper writes  ”  that Abraham , when approached by Sarah  to set Hagar and Ishmael free ( Gen 21 : 9 – 12 ) ”  he hesitated  in an agony of  mind ” .  He had  good reason to do so .  This meant that Ishmael ,  Abraham’s  first  born son  through his slave – girl  Hagar  and whom he  loved dearly ‘ would  have  no share  in any inheritance  from  Abraham  because he and Hagar  would  no  longer be  Abraham’s   slaves  but they would be  free  ( and not in his family line ) . .  This  ruling  came from a  law of  the Lipit – Ishtar Code ;  this already had  been in place  200 years  before the time  of  Abraham. ” …but ( if ) the father granted freedom to the slave and her children ,  the children of the slave shall not divide the estate with the children of the former master. ”  But they kept the title as ” son “. Ishmael next appears performing admirably the funeral  along with Isaac for their father in Gen . 25 ; 9 . with no sign of animosity between them .

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