Our last post states that it is culturally un – political and un – acceptable for us to live with the knowledge that early man had a high intelligence , and used a technology that we do not comprehend today . ” The enemy has deceived the Whole World “. Rev. 12 : 9.
” The dark powers and authorities ” that Jesus defeated by His resurrection from the dead after the cross are still active today. These were glaringly obvious from the TV news clip that introduced world – wide the discoveries found at Stonehenge .
The respected London ” Guardian Newspaper ” of Sept. 10 , reported on these findings and their huge dimensions . They were dated at 3100 B. C. One wall was measured at 500 m long with 60 stone or possibly wooden posts .
*** Incidentally – this is before the pyramids were engineered and built , but it is approximate to the advent of the Mesopotamian ” Cradle of Civilization ‘ on the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers . This is next to where Noah’ s Ark came to rest on the Mountains of Ararat , West of the Caspian Sea . And this makes perfect sense for where Noah and his sons – complete with the memory of their pre – flood society – first stepped onto a ” drying – out earth ” . Then , emanating from this point both geographically and chronologically , ” the civilization of man ” begins ! This includes Nimrod of Genesis who is described in ancient Sumerian texts as a great city – building ” King ” . But this is a different story !!
Instead of focusing on the spectacular dimensions of these ” temples ” which were located by earth – probing radar , the TV news report starred an animated ( very ” animated ” ) family of ” ape – like beings ” , complete with obligatory wide noses , heavy brows and stooped stances ( just stepping out of their cave ! – ” artists’ impression ) looking around them – selves in awe at these temples .
” Vanity , vanity, – all is vanity ! ” Ecc. 1: 2.
So once again the general public are bamboozled and fooled by the mass media . The lasting impression stuck on peoples’ minds will be the association of these historic temples of worship with the Neanderthal cave man , being part of the scene again .
They will not – or don’t care , or have the time – to ask of that News Clip ” how did those temples get built before the cave – man got there ?! ” . Or further – ” How could sub – average ” cave ” intelligence build such colossal monuments suddenly in the time – line of human existence ? “.
But it corresponds perfectly with the story of Genesis where God creates man in His own image . This was complete with all intellectual ability to fulfill His purpose for life on earth , when He breathed His own breath and spirit ( Job 33: 4 ) into the dust in His hand.
Even though it seems far =- fetched or impossible to us , for God to have made us ” out of the dust of the earth “, It is worth mentioning that people are made up of the same essential elements – such as nitrogen, potassium, calcium etc. that are found in the dust of the earth today . Just circumstance again ?? Gen. 2: 7.
Any fact heard for the first time, which contradicts all normal doctrine, is found implausible not because of factual content but of its raw originality.
” The darkness does not like the Light for the Light reveals the sins of the darkness ” John 3 : 20
***Related Bibliography :
” The Lost Testament ” By David Rohl , 2002 , By Random House , U.K.