You Can Choose To Live “In Truth” or In Deception.

You can choose to live in Truth or in deception. This is vitally important to you. In one you will battle the sin and deception “of this fallen world ” alone.  – in the other you will be united ” with all spiritual blessing “(Eph.1:3) with the One who conquered sin and death. You can choose to have “freedom -or bondage”. You can choose to live in Truth or in deception, depending on your “status” right now. This web-site has  tried to show the Truth – Jesus, and expose the lies of the adversary to Jesus, “s—,who has deceived the whole world.”(Rev.12:9) You can choose to live “in Truth ” or in deception- “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world But Be Transformed bythe Re-newing of your mind”. “Re-newing” is saying that ” it originally was made ‘good’ (perfect) by God -but our minds have become corrupt by the world,(because of its “neuro-plasticity”- see post ‘A new Heart’ 20/1/15)

A few more truths of the benefits of Jesus and the Holy Spirit are explained below.

In the Salvation Army ‘s periodical, “War-Cry”,( au)of 2 May,2015. there are articles to the good  work of members of this church -which has  been described as “Christianity with its sleeves rolled up”. One member who is an author with a degree in psychology, and has a son who is a quadriplegic, has recently won a book-writers prize. Another lady who has lost two children to cancer is still at age 90,helping young mothers at church. Then there is a short expose where a new TV dating show (“It Takes A Church”) is shown from inside churches; where the congregations and pastors help the un-married make the right choices.

As the article says,”instead of hot tub scenes, course language and drunken stupors, there is scripture(loose) quoting, clothing drives and saying thanks before a meal’. It finishes “but the most valuable thing to take away is that ‘church is about other people cheering you on to help you to make right decisions in your life.”

The local church is -or can be- where a leap of faith can land a life-time of love.’ (even to experience the special love of Jesus). You can never have too much of love, but you can have too little, as statistics sadly show.

Christians have the bible as the information and the formation of the religion.We must believe in the bible, the whole bible. Not just the part that we find acceptable to our changing minds or culture. We will not grow, or have a vision bigger than our-selves if “the Word” is not fully at home with us,– with no if’s or but’s.

Don’t limit God by our own limitations.-” If my word abides in you and you abide in me, ask what-ever you want and it will be done for you.Jn.15:7 In His time, not ours. We have to “let go of this world”- before we can truly come close to God.

It is comforting to find that in a world of un-precidented changes, God does not change through the ages, and His Word does not change either.This is proven from the “Dead Sea Scrolls”. Here were found hundreds of fragments of the Books of the bible,including one complete scroll of Isaiah (lived about 700BC) dating from 100 BC to the first century AD, the time of Jesus. These are miraculously accurate with no change of doctrine with the present scriptures that are read in the synagogues today. They are a glowing testament to the accuracy of the dedicated Jewish translators through the centuries. But as the Holy Bible is inspired by God and is His deliberate means of communicating to us of  His presence and plan, we would be surprised at anything else. “Heaven and earth will pass away,but my word will never pass away.”Mth.24:35,Lk.21:33

Let’s be happy! “It is official”, the “Creation magazine”(Sept-Nov 2008) says, “Believers are happier than atheists!” This is according to research partlyby Prof. Andrew Clark, presented at the Royal Economic Society’s annualconference in the UK recently. Believers are “better able to cope with disappointments such as unemployment, divorce or the death of a spouse. More-over they become even happier the more they pray and go to church,the study claims.”

This emotion of happiness and freedom from worry is explained in 1Cor 15:20” For those who remain “in Adam” will die so those who choose Christ “will be made alive”. This is by Holy Spirit who re-generates the “born-again” believer’s Spiritual life now, with power, as well as in the day of judgement.

Of course Christians have God’s promise that He will never leave us or forsake us(Heb.13:5) “The name of the Lord(‘Yaweh’) is a strong Tower, the righteousness (in a good, ‘godly’ relation-ship) run to it and are saved”.Prov.18:1 Atheists have been described as those who have no invisible(or emotional) means of support.” This is the main reason communism fell; they were spiritually dead.This was stated by Andre Gromyko.

The bible says “ the world you will have tribulation, but take courage; I have over-come the world.” Jn.16:33b. Luke 10:21” in that hour Jesus rejoiced in Spirit” Source 1 below says the Holy Spirit is the true source of Joy, which never results in spiritual pride. Also Gal.5:22 where “joy” is the second fruit of the Holy Spirit.

The part of the bible most people find hardest to believe is Genesis and the creation story. But God has made everything -Col.3:16, the “creation verse”- even the atomic structure and sub-atomic structure of cells. Have you ever marveled at the co-incidence of the similar workings of the planetary system and that of the tiny atomic ,and sub-atomic particles making up all matter on earth? Researchers are going further into new depths of Quantum (which means “energy”) physics and deeper still  to photons, bisons ,and “binary strings” – this last are like  “paired strings of light”. But Jesus said “Let there be light” in the very beginning.

Jesus is “the light of the world”-Jn8:12. God  wraps Him-self in light as with a garment,( He stretches out the heavens like a tent).”Ps.104:2 The darkness flees when the light appears. The light of Jesus which “He shines into our heart“2 Cor.4:6- is a divine light whose wave-length is invisible to his people until revealed at His second coming, on clouds of glory! I believe it!!

For instance, the atheists say(constantly) that earth’s history goes back millions – no, billions of years. But there are simple “time clocks” in the earth which contradict this “theory” – the definition for an un-proven statement.

One example is that it is said that erosion by the oceans and rivers erodes the earth surface by hundreds of square miles a year. In fact a TV show -“A Grand Design”- recently had a couple who were building their dream home on cliffs over-looking the Welsh coasts. They were told by well- qualified experts that they had at least 50 or 60 years before the house would go over the edge into the seas below. But the locals ,cycling past, said they had about 10 years! Half-way through the building of the home, in just a few months ,the cliff had eroded to about half of the safe distance to the house.

There are other examples of coast-line erosion, as stated in ” The Creation Magazine Sept-Nov 2008″. “In the North Sea off Suffolk, UK. a 13th century church tumbled from an eroding cliff into the sea in about 1540. ..coastal cliffs are being eroded at about 2 meters per year.” Even locally there are long low-lying beaches where the grass lands and sand would be a few kilometers inland if not for constant repairs. Vanishing coastlines mean the earth is young. There would be no continents left after a few millennia.

“Evolution is an ancient pagan idea.” says the article’s Title (in” Creation Magazine Sept-Nov 2008″)

It certainly did not start with Darwin, but from him hearing his’ grand-father’ teach it. Also Darwin was in a race to publish his infamous book,(clung to by atheists now),before an American – I believe his name was Wallace-was about to publish his own similar book and so get the accolades. But the above article states that the author -Paul James-Griffith,an Ancient History student –“was amazed to find primitive evolutionary theory and vast ages long before Darwin”. He mentions names from antiquity past ” Anaximander (610-546 BC) taught that “humans originally resembled another type of animal, namely fish” ** so maybe we did slide from the gooey swamp to techno-land now! He continues “there was Democritus (460-370 BC),Epicurus(341-270 BC) and the Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder( 23-79 AD)

It is typical that in the cosmic struggle between God and the world, between right and wrong, between Truth and falsehood, between Jesus and s–, -that Darwin in peddling his story for his own pocket, is buried in Westminster Cathedral while selfless martyrs have died for the Truth in un-known graves. Charles Darwin should be dug up from his crypt and re-buried out-side any holy, consecrated ground. As a non-believer he is responsible for many to turn their backs on Jesus. Why is he placed in there?

For a comparison – the first and great Protestant reformer John Wycliffe (google him!) was first persecuted, then exhumed by the revengeful catholic church. His bones were burnt and thrown into a river in the early 1300’s. He taught that the scriptures should be in the common English language instead of Latin so the people could read them on their own. This is a small example of the continual world-wide opposition to the “Word Of God” by God’s adversary and  enemy the small “s.. “guy, this time masquerading as the catholic church.

To continue the above article,“concerning the great ages of the universe , Plato and many Greek philosophers held to the view that this presentuniverse came about millions of years ago”. And to finish – ” The Greeks borrowed some of these ideas from the Babylonians, Egyptians and Hindus…”.

You don’t need science to believe long ages and improving “duds”. All you need is PRIDE, and CONCEIT springing up from your carnal sinful nature. ” the person with-out the spirit cannot see the things of God”.1 Cor 2:14. They are “poor little people.”(plp)

If you choose to live in “deception”, you live in the “long,dark ages and death spirit” of the world. This says we washed out from the sea or under a rock millions of years ago and we are just the victorious results of evolution, of “survival” struggles-the only goal is to live. (Do you see any sign of this now,why has this stopped? Animals are still dying from imperfection,- for example,being too slow- look around you, Nothing is evolving!) Men still have chest nipple, as they always have had! This contradicts the “evolutionist’s principle of self-correction; that what is unused is eliminated by natural selection. These have never been used and should have fallen off by now. These are possibly a sign by God the creator for people ” to open the eyes of your heart”. Think! Use God-given common sense.

BUT if you can choose to live “in the TRUTH” -ie “in the Kingdom Of God”-you know that God , just a few thousand years ago, “made YOU as a human person , ” knitted” wonderfully in the Womb,and in His own image, which is a great privilege. He has given you a personalized I.D of finger-prints and DNA etc. not copied anywhere else!! But To Live in this short, “concentrated” time span “makes everyday a new day”Lam.3:23. An abundant Life! Jn.10:10 Further-more He has a plan and a purpose for you (Jer:29:11)” plans to prosper you and not to harm you ; plans to give you a hope and a future”,- ultimately to be re-unified with Him, in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is why Jesus has come,to destroy the works of the enemy. (you will find more information from previous posts)

So lets talk about things like “the Spirit” which gives Joy. This is a real feeling or emotion which is evident in ‘born again ‘ believers. A quiet,steadfast joy in-side them not dependent on things from the out-side . Thus we can over-come the world!! How do you get this? From a Spirit- filled, bible- believing  Church.

Rejoice in the lord always ,and again I say- Rejoice! Phil.4:4;1 Thes.5:16Rejoice always!

And in finishing- a call ” Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous; and shout for joy, all you that are up-right in heart!” Ps.32:11


Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible   Bookmark publishing Co.   Dallas, Texas 1999.

Creation Magazine   Sept-Nov. 2008  “”

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